Today we got to work on our new centers for the morning and in math.
In preparation for the festive season, we are being creative with various winter center activities. For example, we are creating snowflakes, making 3D trees and decorating them with sequins, coloring in festive images, and completing festive crossword puzzles.
In math, many of us were working on our Pattern Palooza challenge, but those of us that finished got started on the new math centers. While some people practiced counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, others explored more patterning using their names, colors, shape blocks, beads, design sheets, and music.
Each time a math center is completed, we have to record our findings in our math books.
Here is a journal entry of the pattern translated into letter form. |
We also started building a winter ornament for an art project. We took tin foil and rolled it up into a ball then attached ribbon on the top. Then, we added our first layer of tissue paper and glue. Next, we will have to add another layer of tissue and decorate it before putting on Mod Podge to make it glossy. |
Here are a couple of reminders:
1. Fill-A-Sock will finish on Friday - donations of the following items will be stuffed into socks and gifted to the Calgary-Drop In Centre:
-gloves, mitts, hats, hand warmers -socks & underwear (adult size) -chocolate & candies
-lip balms & mini hand lotion -razors -travel mugs
-Calgary Transit Tickets -deodorant (non-alcohol based) -travel size toiletries
2. Special helper for Thursday is Enxin. Please remember to bring your favorite stuffy, toy or action figure :)
3. Spirit Day is tomorrow! Please dress in festive wear such as a Santa hat, antlers, elf hat, tinsel, Christmas sweater, etc.
4. Festive Evening is this Thursday (Dec 13th) from 6pm-8pm.
5. Home Reading spots for January to spring break are now available on Sign-up Genius.