Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dec. 16

This morning we started with carol singing again. Then, we did some festive centres.  After that we practiced singing our 12 Days of Christmas song.  We will perform our song during caroling tomorrow. If you can't join us for caroling please ask your child to perform the song for you. Here are the lyrics:
Dr. Coffin 12 Days of Christmas
A porcupine in a willow tree
Two basketballs
Three children playing
Four owls hooting
Five fun lunch pizzas
Six crazy treat days
Seven students learning
Eight missing laptops
Nine iPads freezing
Ten gardens growing
Eleven teachers dancing

Twelve snowforts melting

Tomorrow we are going to have a little party in the afternoon. We will watch a special movie and do some fun activities. If you want to sent a small special treat just for your child that would be nice.

We are getting excited about our Winter Sports Day on Friday. We are still looking for some volunteers to help out. If you are available please email Ms. Boyer. 

Our helper tomorrow is: David.