Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Feb. 8

Happy Lunar New Year!

Today we celebrated Lunar (or Chinese) New Year by reading some special stories and learning about our animals. Some of us were born in the year of the Rat and some of us were born in the year of the Ox.

We also started getting ready for our Friendship Party on Wednesday and had some special valentine's centres to start the day. Some of the choices for this week are:
1. Make a valentine
2. Make your mailbox
3. Make a special coupon book
4. Make a "Heart-imal"
5. Write or perform a poem
6. Complete a Valentine's word search

In math we started practicing using numbers to 100 with a "100 Challenge". The challenge has lots of tasks for us to complete that use the number 100. The first challenge is: How many times can you write your name in 100 seconds?  (One buddy has to count to 100 and the other buddy writes their name. )

This afternoon we kept working on our animal research. We are working on making diagrams of our animals that have specific and detailed labels. In gym we had to spent time reviewing the safety rules for the climber and other gymnastics equipment so we will be ready to use the equipment safely tomorrow.

Our helper tomorrow is: Stefan