Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 28

This morning we worked on some decorations for the Volunteer Tea. We were making flower walls. We were able to make almost 5 walls! We made the flowers using tissue paper and wire.

This afternoon we worked on trying to get to the centre of the target for our dioramas. Some of us were finished so we moved on to the next job. The next job is making a fact card to go with our diorama. We will be using both of these when we have our animal museum in a few weeks.

We have 3 notices coming home today:
1. Fun lunch order form
2. Bricks4kidz card
3. Swimming forms.

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday! We will be staying close to the school but please dress for the weather. We will be outside for about half of our morning time. 

On Monday our helper is: Levi