Friday, June 1, 2018


Today was our last day working with Saa'Kokoto for this year. Today we talked with him about all the gifts that come from Na'a and he told us another story. At the end of the day we reflected on all the teachings he had told us this year and thought about the things we have learned. Here are a few of the ideas we came up with:

Katie - It is important to be kind.
Lawrence - To respect other people so they will respect you.
Joachim - To be generous. When people don't have treat day money I can give them some.
Aiden - Na'a means mother nature and love.
Josie - That almost everything comes from Na'a.
Aksel - He had really great stories.
Addison - Treat others like you want to be treated.
Taylor - There are 4 stages of life. Baby, Kid, Adult, Grandma or Grandpa.
Dhvani - Never to leave your family behind.
Leander - There is a root that tastes like black licorice.
Shawn - Mother nature is called Na'a.
Lily - All his stories tell a teaching.
Liam - Treat others how you want to be treated.
Senna - Everything comes from Na'a.
Abdul Ahad - Rubber comes from trees.
Jasper - Show respect to animals, plants, and nature.
Ashton - If you take something from Na'a leave an offering or give something back.

Our helper on Monday is: Aiden