Wednesday, October 3, 2018

New Table Groups!

This morning we worked to put together our recipe books. There were 6 different steps that we had to complete to have this job done. The biggest job was making sure our poems were finished.  Quite a few of us had to keep working on this part of the job today during our morning working time and some of us continued doing this job in our finish up time this afternoon.  We will have a bit more time tomorrow to get this whole job done and our books completed.

After recess we worked on our vehicle graphs. These graphs are more challenging because we needed to make each square count as 5 cars instead of 1. This meant that showing smaller numbers like 3, or numbers inbetween groups of 5, like 73 a bit tricky. We spent some time practicing this at the carpet before we went to work on our own graphs.

This afternoon we had some finish up time. Our finish up job was our poems. If we were finished our poems we were able to choose a quiet free choice. After that we had gym. We are practicing soccer skills. Then we worked on the next step of our science research. We are going to be creating a diagram of the insect or other arthropod we have decided to research so today we went on to the computers to find a good picture that we can use to help us with our diagram. We printed out the pictures.

After that we moved our desks to our new table groups for October! Ask me who I am sitting with this month!

We are bringing home 2 notices today. The first one is about picture day. The second one is a fundraising form for the Terry Fox Run. We are also able to accept donations at the following link: