Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Animal experts and pattern pros


This week we are finishing up our family traditions project with our final good copy of writing. The grade 1's are writing using their neatest printing and the grade 2's are typing up their writing on the computer. We are focusing on using our graphic organizer plans to make sure we include all 5 W's plus How into our final piece of writing. When our writing is finished we will be making a family traditions display in the hallway for the whole school to enjoy!

In math we have started some pattern centers. This is our chance to practice our pattern skills and to become really confident with patterns before we have our "show what you know" assessment. We will be working on these centers for the next few weeks. The centers are: shape patterns, animal patterns, music patterns, action patterns, design patterns, and bead patterns. Ms. Boyer will be watching to see how well we can create different types of patterns, record our work in our journals, and translate patterns using letters. Here are a few examples from the shapes pattern center.

This afternoon we started working on a new animal project in small groups. We are making animal guessing games! Creating these games in groups is giving us a chance to practice our research skills with some support before we begin our own animal research projects. Here are the instructions we are following for this project:

When our posters are finished we will be inviting other classes to come try our games. 

Dates to Remember:

Tuesday February 4 - Music Field Trip (leaving the school at 12:15, returning at 3:00)
Wednesday February 5 - Winter Walk Day (please dress for outdoor activities)
Thursday February 6 - Fun Lunch