Monday, June 5, 2017

Bike to School Day!

Dear Room 2 Families,

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Coffin will be participating in Bike to School Day tomorrow! Bike to School Day is an initiative started by a teacher at Simon Fraser School and this will be our school's third year participating in the event. Please check out the official website for more information.

Here’s what you need to know:

1.     Students are encouraged to ride their bikes to school. Please make sure to read the City of Calgary bike safety guidelines.

2.     Students will be invited to store their bikes in the gym for that day. Please make sure that your child’s bike is labeled with their name and classroom number.

3.     As this ride will be occurring before school hours and is considered transportation to school there will not be teacher supervision.  Parents and caregivers are responsible for the safety of their children.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can I ride to school with my child?
A: Yes please! If your child is under 9 years of age they should be accompanied by an adult (see city of Calgary bike safety).

Q: We live very far away, how can we participate?
A: Even if you live far away we hope that you can find a way to participate. Some ideas are:
-       Meeting at a friend’s house and then biking as a group.
-       Parking near the bike path and riding from there.

 Happy Pedaling!