After recess we had printing and book time. Today's letter was "N". Then it was time for math. Today we got to try mathletics! If you are working on mathletics at home the two strands we are focusing on are the shapes strand and the statistics (gr. 2) strand. You could also be doing mathletics live to practice your basic facts.
This afternoon we continued our colour study by looking at the colour wheel. The colour wheel includes all the colours in the colour spectrum. Before we started the colour wheel we learned about the next set of colours. They are called tertiary colours and are made by mixing a primary colour with a secondary colour (1+2=3). Then we started painting our own colour wheels. Today we painted the primary and secondary colours. After that we watched a short video about colours and learned something new at the end of the video. Here is the video:
Then it was time for gym. We are starting to practice basketball skills.
Our helper tomorrow is: Cedar