Thursday, November 16, 2017

Ready Set Go!

This morning after guided reading we were finally ready to play our Guess Who game! Here are some pictures of us playing the game. It was really fun! We will have our bags here to share with you tonight and then we will be using some of our ideas to start our big All About Me project.

After recess we met with Room 1 and the Portable to learn about a new friendly competition we will be having from now until our winter break. Room 1-2 and the Portable will each be trying to grow an amaryllis plant. An amaryllis plant grows from a bulb and grows very quickly. It should take about 6 weeks to have a blossom at the top of the plant and the plant will get very tall. We will be measuring our plant everyday to see which plant is growing faster and then we will wait to see which plant blooms first. Which ever plant blooms first wins! Ready, Set, Go!

After lunch we finished up the final part of our secondary colours page and then we got ready for Parent Teacher Conferences. After that it was time for gym and music.

Ms. Boyer is looking forward to seeing everyone at conferences tonight and tomorrow. Please try to arrive a few minutes early so that you have time to look through your work with your parents before it is time to meet with Ms. Boyer.

Our helper on Monday is: Katie