Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Week 5

  • Today we had the opportunity to watch the Kindergarten students perform some songs in the Learning Get Together
  • In math, we shared our "Yes/No" surveys with each other, then started working on our new vegetable survey! Now we are creating vegetable graphs which will have four items to compare rather than two.

  •  For science and art, we were really busy finishing up our sketches of the Rose Hip and then painting the Golden Rod and Rose Hip flowers.
  • This week, Mrs. Polski came to visit our classroom and went over some playground safety rules. We must remember that while on the playground we must...
    1. Not play tag or chasing games (these types of games are appropriate when playing on the field or nature grounds area)
    2. Only use slides for sliding down, not climbing up
    3. Not climb above anything that is higher than chest level (i.e. monkey bars or glider)
    4. Not climb on the outside of the bridge
    5. Not jump down from the fire pole platform 
    6. Keep rocks on the ground (we cannot throw them)

    Also, while outside, we must remember that...
    1. Snow stays on the ground and we do not throw it at anyone or anything.
    2. Be respectful of others efforts to make snow forts or snowmen -  do not destroy what others have made. 
  • Picture day is on Wednesday, Oct.16
  • There will be no school on Friday, Oct. 11 (PD Day)