Monday, September 19, 2016

Lots of writing today!

Today we started with journals. We had to draw pictures and write about the things we did on the weekend. The grade 1's were working on writing at least 2 ideas and the grade 2's were working on writing 5 ideas.

After recess we started a new routine. The grade 2's went to their desks to have some solo booktime and the grade 1's came to the carpet to do some word practice with Ms. Boyer.  We practiced words in the AT family and practiced listening for the beginning and ending sounds in words.

In math we started by talking about tally marks. Tally marks are useful because they let us count by 5's instead of just by 1's. Then, we used tally marks to count the vegetables from our garden harvest. Tomorrow we are going to try to figure out how many vegetables we harvested in total.

This afternoon we wrote in our Fresh Air Friday journals. We wrote about our harvesting on Friday.

If you haven't called in to book your Parent-Teacher conference please do so. Conferences are on Thursday and Friday. There is no school for students on Friday.  We have an important notice coming home today. Please check backpacks for green folders.