Thursday, November 3, 2016

Another Busy Day

This morning after guided reading and centers we continued working on our Whispering Woods descriptive writing project. Some of us have noticed that some of the senses are easier to write about than others. It was quite easy to come up with descriptive sentences for "I see..." but it was more challenging to think of ideas for "I smell...". We are really having to push our thinking to come up with these descriptive sentences!

After recess the grade 2's went to see Ms. Stephure for their word work time. The routine for grade 2 word work includes spelling centers every Thursday. The grade 1's had a word work holiday today because we had a special visit from Mrs. Polski. She read us the first part of a new picture book and then gave each of the grade 1's their own copy to bring home and keep! Lots of us will be excited to finish this book tonight at home.

This afternoon we finished hearing about Ms. Boyer's trip to Churchill, Manitoba. She showed us a new website called that has some live streams from Churchill. We watched them for a few minutes and saw a some polar bears! Then she told us some more polar bear facts. Please ask me to explain the following ideas:
1. Why are more female polar bears only having 1 cub rather than having twins?
2. Why are the polar bears so hungry at this time of year?
3. How can you tell male and female polar bears apart when you see them out on the tundra?

After that we had a few minutes to work on our arctic animal research and then we went to gym. Today was our last day of hoops and skipping tricks. We took some time at the end to let people share the tricks they were proud of.

Please remember that tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. We will be continuing our exploration of the Whispering Woods and our school's history with our Whispering Signs Hunt and then we will be exploring the idea of Land Art. Please make sure you are dressed appropriately for the weather. The mornings are often chilly and gloves and hats are always a good idea. 

Our helper on Monday is: Shawn