Friday, January 6, 2017

Fresh Air Friday!

Today was Fresh Air Friday!

First thing this morning we had big buddies. Our big buddies brought stories to read to us.

After buddies we started our ice village. We each got a recording booklet and we had to write the steps for making our village. Then each table group was called to the sink to put water in their containers and choose their colours. Then we put the containers outside to freeze. Next week we will add more water and colour to create a second layer in our containers. Once the second layer freezes we will dump out the containers and turn the pieces into a village.

After our snack break we learned how to measure temperature with a thermometer. Then we went outside to see if we could answer Ms. Boyer's questions: Are all the places outside the same temperature or are different spots different temperatures? Is the air the same temperature as the snow? Isla and Malik found out that the temperature in the snow was 0C and Jessica and Jasper found out that the temperature by the portable was -9C. Katie found out that the temperature by the Mother Tree was -10C.

Have a great weekend!

On Monday the helper will be: Ezra