Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Beet Day!

This morning was a little hectic because of picture day. We worked on our centers and then had to get ready for our pictures. We didn't end up getting to have library because everything was just too busy.

After our pictures we worked on our 3D shapes project. Then it was time for recess.

After recess it was time to do some cooking with beets. We didn't have quite enough beets in our garden but Cedar and his family kindly donated some beets from their garden. Thanks Cedar! We made Unbeetable Hummus. It is pink thanks to the roasted beets that go in it. Then we worked on decorating our recipes and doing our beet artwork.

After lunch we worked on our front covers for our recipe books. We are almost ready to assemble our books! Then we went to gym. We are working on our skipping skills this week.

After gym we had some finish up time and free choice. Then it was snack time! We tried our Unbeetable hummus with pita chips, rice crackers, and carrots. Some of us thought the hummus tasted strange at first because we were thinking about regular hummus. Once we starting thinking 'beets" it tasted a lot better!

Please remember that tomorrow is fun lunch!