Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12


  • In math we worked on our boardgames and gave feedback to each other. With these suggestions, we will use this week to finalize our boardgames.
  • For science we revisited our experiment "What Happens When Glaciers Melt?" We had a discussion about what would happen if all the ice and snow on Earth melted, then watched a video about this: click to watch. Ask us what we learned!
  • For gym we continued on with scooter relays with added challenges: (1) army crawl under a ringette stick that was held up with pylons, and (2) ball and cup.
  • In Social Studies we learned about our suitcase project and saw a demonstration on how to make it. We will be doing it this week. Before we can figure out what to pack, we have to understand what it is like to live in the Arctic. So we added to our research about the Arctic based on the information we have been learning from the Arctic stories and videos shown in class.
  • In music we played recorders! It was amazing. 

1. Special Helper tomorrow: Cedar (favorite movie or actor/actress)
2. Fun Lunch is Thursday, March 14