Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 20

  • Science: We continued our discussion of salt water vs fresh water. We had a demonstration of how the salt molecules interrupt the water molecules and create a reaction where the ice turns to liquid water. With the reaction energy is being used up so temperature actually decreases as it melts! The reason why the arctic ocean isn't frozen is because the freezing temperature of salt water is much lower than the freezing temperature of fresh water. 
  • Social Studies: We worked on our Arctic research using books and iPads. We added information about the resources, such as arctic animals, and different jobs that are in the arctic. Then we played a game where we sat in a circle and listed an item that we would pack in our luggage if we were to travel to the arctic. The next person would repeat what the first person said and add to the list, and so on. It go tricky near the end but we helped each other out by acting out the items to provide hints. Then we got to work on our arctic suit cases - most people were still working on decorating the cover with various bumper stickers of the arctic and the prairies. Some people got to start adding items that they would pack. 
  • Word Work: We created acrostic poems to go with our Inuksuk art that we made with Clay for Kids. We first brainstormed different things about Inuksuk and the Arctic to go along with the letters of Inuksuk, then created sentences for each. These will be hung up in the main hall way.

1. Special Helper for tomorrow: Senna (favorite movie or actor/actress)
2. Face-to-Face Conferences are tomorrow and Friday
3. Remember to bring library books tomorrow!