Thursday, March 14, 2019

March 14


  • Math: we worked on typing up our rules for our math boardgames and adding finishing touches to them because we are planning on playing our games with our big buddies tomorrow! Some of us have decided to take home our games to add final embellishments for tomorrow. 
  • Social Studies: we sat in a circle and shared our knowledge about the Arctic by brainstorming different things we would pack if we were to travel there now. We talked about the climate, landscape and building and homes in order to help us figure out what would be appropriate to pack. Ask us what we brainstormed!
  • Gym: we played doctor dodgeball - some of the rules included: (1) no headshots - if it hit someones head you have to sit on the bench for 10 seconds (2) if you are out and catch a ball from the air you are back in the game

1. Special Helper for Monday March 18: Taylor (favorite movie or actor/actress)
2. Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday - we plan to go snowshoeing - please dress appropriately