Monday, December 5, 2016

A chilly start to the week!

This morning we worked on our journals. Lots of us wrote about getting ready for Christmas. Lily was excited about making a gingerbread house. Then, after recess we did some computer time. We worked on the number section of Mathletics. At the end we got 15 minutes to try out some Christmas computer games.

Due to the cold weather we had to have our lunch recess inside. We could choose to play chess, do colouring, computers, or play games in the gym. This week is going to be very cold but we will still be going outside for recess if the temperature (with windchill) is above -20. Please make sure you are dress properly for this cold weather. This means snowpants, boots, warm jacket, mittens, tuque, scarf.

After lunch we talked about Inuit shelters for our Inuit history books. We read a little bit of a story to help give us ideas. We learned that they used igloos and hide tents.  

Home Challenge: Why did the Inuit make homes that they could move or remake in a new place? Why didn't they make permanent homes like us? 

In gym we played hockey games. We played 3-on-3 games. Some of us have lots of experinence playing hockey and some of us are brand new. We talked about trying to make sure everyone had a chance to learn new skills and to not be too worried about the score. Then we came back to the classroom to do journal sharing. Some of us had to stay at our desks to finish our writing during the sharing time.

Thank you to those people who have already brought in donations for the "Fill as Sock, Fill a Need" campaign. We will be collecting donations until Friday. Here is a reminder of the items requested by the Drop-in Centre:

Gloves, mitts and hats
Lip balm and travel size toiletries
Cough drops
Travel mugs
Deodorant (non-alcohol based)
Brush and combs
Socks and underwear
Gift certificates (i.e. Tim Horton’s or McDonalds)
Chocolates and candy

Our helper tomorrow is: Tessa