Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27

This morning we had our year-end garden feast. We ate all the types of vegetables that we grew: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and carrots. We also had bread and butter. We made the butter ourselves by shaking a jar of whipping cream until it separated to make butter. Because of all the delicious vegetables and other goodies we ate, lots of us were too full to eat our lunches. Hopefully some of the bits can be used in tomorrow's lunch instead!

This afternoon Mrs. Ghelfi came and we got to make ice cream using her old-fashioned ice cream maker!  The ice cream maker used to belong to Isabel's great grandfather.

Tomorrow is our year-end assembly. It will be a short assembly starting at 2:00. We will be watching short slideshows created by each class and saying goodbye to some of our teachers who will be moving to new schools next year. Parents are welcome to attend. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

June 24

Today was our Fresh Air Friday celebration. First we had an assembly. In the assembly we sang "Kids Promise to the Earth", and the other grades sang songs and shared videos about their Fresh Air Friday learning. Then we headed up to Nose Hill to do some activities. The activities were: bubble blowing, bug catching, face painting, friendship bracelets, and god's eyes.  We walked with our big buddies and stayed with them while we did the activities.  Some of us also found some beautiful feathers on the walk back to the school.

We are bringing home our two favourite photos that we took during our photography residency this year. We hope you will enjoy displaying them at home!

On Monday we are going to be having a special celebration of our indoor gardening this year.  We will get to try some of the vegetables that we grew in our garden and do some cooking!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23

We are bringing home most of our school work today! We got our desks all cleaned out and are ready to head to Nose Hill for our Fresh Air Friday celebration tomorrow.  Here is the plan for tomorrow:

9:00 - Fresh Air Friday assembly in the gym.
9:30 - Get ready to head to Nose Hill with our big buddies and families.
10:00 - Arrive at Nose Hill and eat the special snack we brought from home.
10:30 - Visit the craft and activity stations that the teachers have set up on Nose Hill with our buddies and families.
11:30 - Head back to the school.

All families are welcome to join us for any or all parts of the day tomorrow. Please make sure you are dressed for the hike to Nose Hill (proper footwear, water, sunscreen etc.) and have brought your own special snack to enjoy on the hill. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

June 22

Today we had a great morning seeding on Nosehill! We went on a very big hike and even got to go off the trails! Then we helped to plant seeds from native plant species that used to live on Nose Hill but that aren't growing very much anymore.  A lot of us are VERY tired after our long day and might need an extra helping of dinner tonight! Our friends from the City of Calgary also gave each of us a small gift of wildflower seeds to take home and plant in our own garden or pot.

This afternoon we practiced making 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows. We will get to keep doing this a bit tomorrow because we ran our of time this afternoon.

Tomorrow is a very special day at our school. We will be celebrating our grade 6 friends at their farewell assembly in the afternoon. In the morning we will be packing up most of our school work from the year to bring home. Please make sure you have lots of room in your backpack or bring an extra bag for all of your work. 

Please remember that our final Fresh Air Friday celebration will be happening on Friday morning. We will begin with an assembly in the gym and then we will all be hiking up to Nose Hill with our buddies to do some fun activities. Parents and families are welcome to join us and celebrate all of our outdoor learning!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21

This morning we had some centre time, then we worked on our journals. After recess someone from the Calgary Public Library came and told us about their summer reading program. Then we had a bit of time to work on our journals and the people who were finished got to play on the iPads.

This afternoon we had a finish up time to get our buildings, stories, and journals finished. People who had all those jobs finished got to start working on their year-end memory books.  In gym we played dodgeball. Some of us are bringing home our finished books today! The rest of us will be bringing them home in the next few days once they are laminated and coiled.

Tomorrow we will be going to Nose Hill in the morning to help the City of Calgary with a seeding project. We will be leaving the school at 8:50 so please be here right on time. We will be at Nose Hill for most of the morning so please bring a big snack, water, a hat, and to put on sunscreen. You might also want to bring a bigger lunch because we will be working up an appetite with all of our seeding work.  

Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20

This morning we had our Kindergarten switch! The grade 2's got to visit with Mrs. Wilkens and the grade 1's had a chance to practice being grade 2's. Mrs. Wilkens played camouflage, went to the playground, and did some drawing. The kindergartens and the grade 1's watched the popcorn video, then we read a butterfly story, and then we used paint to make butterflies that were symmetrical by only putting paint on one side of the paper and then folding the paper and squishing the paint on both sides. After recess we got all of our math papers packed up for the year and we are bringing our math folders home today.

This afternoon we worked on out 1916 buildings. Most people were able to finish and are bringing their plans home today. We will keep the buildings here at school until the end of the week. In gym we played kick ball. The grade 1's got to kick today and the grade 2's played the bases. Tomorrow we will switch. Today in music we watched part of Ms. Lim's favourite movie, The Sound of Music.

Friday, June 17, 2016

June 17

Today we went on a special trip to Nose Hill. We went with Alex, Jaclyn, and Laura from CPAWS. Jaclyn told us that her favourite animal is the porcupine. When we were at Nosehill we played a predator game where the adults were Great Horned Owls and the students were Richardson's Ground Squirrels. We also learned and shared some facts about Porcupines and then played another game where Coyotes were hunting Porcupines. We saw chew marks and chewed bark on some Wolf Willow bushes. While we were walking we found evidence of a Porcupine. At the end we all sat in our animal groups and shared facts about our animals with our friends from CPAWS. They were very impressed with all the things we know!

On Monday the Kindergartens will be coming for a visit in our classroom! The grade 1's will have a chance to practice being grade 2's and the grade 2's will get to have a visit with Mrs. Wilkens! 

Please remember that we will be going to Nosehill again on Wednesday. We need some volunteers for this trip. If you can volunteer please email Ms. Boyer. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

June 16

Great show everybody!!! Mrs. Hamby and I were so proud of all of you hard work and your amazing performances.

Please remember that we are going to Nosehill with Jaclyn tomorrow to learn more about species at risk. We will be leaving the school at 9:00am so please arrive on time. We will be going for quite a long hike so please bring a big snack and your water bottle. Please make sure you are dressed for the weather. We will be going rain or shine. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 15

Today we started with story writing. A lot of us are finished and have handed in our books to get laminated. Then we practiced our assembly. After lunch we worked on our Calgary 1916 buildings. Some of us are getting close to have our buildings ready to add to our Calgary 1916 model.

Tomorrow is our assembly. The show will start at 2:00pm. Please arrive a few minutes early to get your seats. 

Assembly reminders:
1. Please remember to wear the outfit you have picked out to match your animal. Don't worry about being perfect, just do you best.

2. Please practice your parts one more time tonight so that you feel your most confident tomorrow.

3. Please remember to go to bed as soon as mom or dad says tonight. You will need a good sleep to be ready for the show tomorrow. NO EXCUSES! RIGHT TO BED!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14

Today was another big day of preparing for our assembly. Today we practiced with the microphones and it sounded so much better! Please keep practicing your parts tonight. Try to pay attention to who speaks before and after you so that we can pass the microphone to the right people! Also, make sure you have your outfit picked out for Thursday.

Today we also worked on our stories and our 1916 buildings. A lot of us are getting really close to having our stories finished!

We are bringing home a notice from the environment committee about helping with the Natureground and garden over the summer. We have already planted the garden and will need families to help water it over the summer so that we will have a good harvest in the fall. 

If you still have library books at home please try to bring them back tomorrow. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13

Today we started rehearsals for our assembly. All of our lines need to be memorized by tomorrow. If you can't find the script you were given a copy will be emailed to you by Mrs. Rennie.

Tonight here is your homework:

1. Try to find clothes to wear for your costume. You can wear anything you want by it needs to be the same colours as your animal. Don't worry about being perfect and please don't go buy anything new. We are hoping that you will be able to borrow from a friend if you don't have the right colour clothes.

2. Practice your script. Please make sure your lines are memorized!

Tomorrow is treat day! This treat day is hosted by the environment committee. They will be selling sprinkle donuts! If you want one you will need to bring 1$. 

Mrs. Kidd is hosting a contest. The first class to bring back all of their library books gets an ice cream sunday party!!! Please try to bring your books back ASAP!

Our helper tomorrow is: Bilal

Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 9

Today we made the backgrounds for our assembly. The backgrounds will be the setting for our play. We are lucky because we were able to re-use one of the scenes from last year so we had one less setting to paint. People were put in groups based on their animals. Some people had to make backgrounds with bushes, some with trees, and some with plants. The skunks and rabbits even had to include the ski jumps. The group that is the kids and the narrator went together and had to paint an indoor scene.

We were supposed to work on the assembly costumes as well but we ran out of time. We will be making these on Monday. Please remember our assembly is on Thursday at 2:00pm. 

At gym we ran one lap of the field, then we played frisbee with a partner. After that we got to play at the playground for a few minutes.

There is no school tomorrow. Have a great long weekend!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 8

Today we went to Heritage Park. We did not go on the rides but we have fun anyways. We did a scavenger hunt to find artifacts around the park. We were put into small groups for the trip and each group got to choose where to buy their treats. They could choose from the ice cream shop, the candy store, or the bakery. The groups had 3 or 4 kids in them and one adult.

We saw the Hudson's Bay trading post. They said it would cost 6 beaver pelts to buy a special axe.  We went on a wagon ride. The wagon was pulled by a team of two horses. We also went to the cottage hospital. It was the first kind of hospital where people could stay in Calgary. Some of us even learned what a bed pan was!

We stopped by the Prince house. It had really nice decorations but very creepy dolls. We also went to the one room school house. The teacher at the school taught us how to read roman numerals. We learned that if you went to school with long or dirty finger nails you would get slapped with the strap! And if you lied you would get slapped 5 times! We are happy we don't go to a school like that!

It was a great day at Heritage Park! Thank you to all the parents who came with us!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 7

Tomorrow is our Heritage Park field trip! PLEASE make sure you are on time for school so that the bus can leave at 9:00.

Here is what you need to bring in your backpack:
1. Lunch
2. Water bottle
3. Hat
4. Sunscreen (please put some on before you come to school)
5. Little bit of money if you want to buy a treat. (optional)

Please remember that you will be responsible for carrying your backpack for the whole day so you will want to keep it light.

Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6

This morning we started the day with booktime and then went straight into our journal time. Since we are almost finished the year we are starting to wrap up our guided reading and home reading. Please return any home reading books that you still have at home so that we can start cleaning up the cart for the year.

We had gym outside this afternoon. We practiced with the lacrosse sticks. We practiced overhand throws and then we practiced underhand passes to a buddy.

Today we worked on our blueprints for our 1916 buildings. We will be building them tomorrow. If you are planning to use any supplies from home you need to bring them tomorrow.

Our helper tomorrow is: Carissa

Please remember that tomorrow is Bike to School day! 

Here’s what you need to know:
  • 2.     Students will be invited to store their bikes in the gym for the day. Please make sure that your child’s bike is labeled with their name and classroom number.
  • 3.     As this ride will be occurring before school hours and is considered transportation to school there will not be teacher supervision.  Parents and caregivers are responsible for the safety of their children.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Should I ride to school with my child?
A: Yes please! If your child is under 9 years of age they should be accompanied by an adult (see city of Calgary bike safety).

Q: We live very far away, how can we participate?
A: Even if you live far away we hope that you can find a way to participate. Some ideas are:
-       Meeting at a friend’s house and then bike as a group.
-       Parking near the bike path and riding from there.

 Happy Pedaling!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

June 2

Tomorrow is Sports Day!!! Students in Room 2 are asked to wear blue if they can (except David, who needs to wear green). Any parents who would like to come join us are welcome to come!

Our helper on Monday is: Dominic!

Important Dates for Room 2

June 8 – Heritage Park field trip: We will be leaving the school at 9:00am. Please bring your backpack with ONLY the things you need for the trip:
·      Water bottle
·      Lunch
·      Hat
·      Little bit of money for a treat if you would like to buy one at the bakery or candy store.

Please remember that because this is an educational trip we will not be going on the rides.

June 16 – Room 1 and 2 Assembly: The show will start at 2:00pm. Please arrive early to get your seats!

June 17 – Species at Risk hike on Nose Hill: This is a walk lead by guides from the Canadian Parks and Wildlife Society. This program is usually reserved for division 2 students but due to our students’ extensive experience and knowledge about Nose Hill and its animals we were invited to participate! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!

June 22 – Seeding Nose Hill: Also due to our students’ expertise about Nose Hill they have been invited to join in re-seeding Nose Hill with the City of Calgary. This is the first time this opportunity has ever been offered to elementary school students! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!

June 24 – Fresh Air Friday Celebration at Nose Hill: All families are invited to join us for our final Fresh Air Friday of the year.  Students are invited to bring a special picnic snack with them to enjoy on the hill.