Monday, April 24, 2017

Yellow Fish Road

This morning we started the day with our journals. We started by working on our pictures while Ms. Boyer worked with a few students to finish their self-assessments from Fresh Air Friday.

Then we had a presentation from Yellow Fish Road. We learned about how people can cause pollution to get into our rivers when they aren't careful about the things that go down the storm drains. We learned that things like soap, herbicides, pesticides, and car oil all ends up in our rivers because they end up in the rain when the rain falls on our lawns and roads. This water goes straight from the storm drains, through pipes into the river. We learned that we can stop this problem by washing our cars at the car wash instead of in our driveways, pulling weeds instead of using herbicides, and taking our cars in to get fixed right away if there is a problem.

After the presentation we went back to our journals. Before we went back to work we reviewed our journal target. Now that we are close to the end of the year we are all trying to hit the center of the target each time we write in our journals.

This afternoon we did a bit of painting to get ready for our parent teacher conferences. We worked on painting a background for our displays of Acadian artifacts that we will be showing you at conferences on Thursday and Friday. We each got to choose our own colour and when they are dry we will be gluing our acadian work onto the background.

Then we had gym. Today we played The Coconut Game and then we played a new game that we called Poison Dots. In Poison Dots we are allowed to skip around when the music is on. When the music stops you have to find a dot to stand on but you can't stand on the dot colour that Ms. Boyer says is "poison". If you can't find a safe dot you are out until the next round.

We will be starting our Nova Scotia dioramas tomorrow. If you have not already brought a shoebox to school please try to have one tomorrow. If you don't have one please email Ms. Boyer so she can try to find one for you. 

Tomorrow the grade 1's will be having a spelling test of all our words so far. If you have some extra time tonight a quick review of the words would be a great idea. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Reid