Thursday, December 7, 2017

What makes black?

This afternoon we did an experiment. The question were were looking to answer was: What makes black?

Some of our predictions were: All the colours, brown and grey, dark colours, primary colours.

To find out the answer to our question we each took a coffee filter and put a black dot in the center using a smelly marker. Then we used droppers to put water onto the black dot. We watched as the black separated into many colours as it spread across the coffee filter.
We noticed pink, blue, yellow, orange, purple, red, green, turquoise, and lime green. This made us think that the "All the colours" prediction was correct. But, we also figured out that the "Primary Colours" prediction was correct too because all the colours are really made out of the primary colours.

Tonight is the festive evening! Our class will be singing a special song at about 7:15.

There is no school tomorrow. Enjoy your long weekend. 

Our helper on Monday is: Dhvani