Thursday, June 7, 2018

First Day of Swimming!

*Reminder: No School Tomorrow!

This morning we continued working on our stories. On Tuesday we each chose our characters and the problem that would happen in the story. Today we planned out the events and how our story will end. Next week we will start writing our stories! Ask me to tell you what I have planned so far.

After recess we had library. In library Mrs. Kidd told us about a contest she will be holding next week: The first class to have ALL their library books returned in preparation for year-end will get an ice cream sunday party!!! Please try to return ALL library books, including the ones you took out today on Monday so we can have a chance at the big prize. 

After that we had math. We are continuing our work on addition in all three math groups.

After lunch we had a little bit of time to finish up our Dr. Coffin timelines and then we went to swimming. Our class did really well at the pool! Everyone got changed quickly and listened well to their swimming teachers. Great work Room 2!

Our helper on Monday is: Senna