Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday routines and poetry

This morning we started with our weekly journal time. We are getting better at staying focused and using the timer to make sure we are finishing our pictures on-time. We are also getting better at using the sentence starters and our checklist to improve our writing.

After recess we had printing and booktime and then we started working on a graph to show the results of the car survey we did on Friday. In this graph we are learning how to use counting by 5's to represent larger numbers in a bar graph. To do this we are making each square on the graph mean 5 cars, rather than just 1 car. Today we only had time to get our graphs set up. Tomorrow we will start adding the bars to show our data.

This afternoon we had some finish up time, practiced our soccer skills in gym, and then we worked on our "Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall" poems. The grade 2's were working on creating a good copy if they had the rough copy finished. In the good copy we made sure all the spelling was correct and that all the words were neatly traced with marker.

We are collecting "Toonies for Terry" all this week. We are also looking for volunteers to help with the run on Friday If you are available to help, please contact Ms. Boyer or Mrs. Polski.