Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dec 19 - Preparing Prairie Poems

After another fun morning of carolling, we worked hard on our prairie poems, and some people shared what they have created so far. 

Here is an example from Aiden:
"If you're not from the prairie you don't know the rising sun,
You can't know the rising sun. 
It beautifully turns the clouds pink while it brightens up the sky in the morning."

This one is by Joachim:
"If you're not from the prairie you don't know the clear sky,
You can't know the clear sky. 
The clear sky in the prairie is so clear it's like you can see space
But sometimes the clear sky is not clear at all. 
Cloudy, storms, dust. 
Bust the sky is mostly clear."

And here is one more by Josie (she really wanted to share it in class but we ran out of time at the end of the day so here it is):
"If you're not from the prairie you don't know the winter sky,
You can't know the winter sky. 
The winter sky at night as biter as can be,
The animals die because of the bitter cold sky.
It stops the wildfires at night."

For math, we continued on with our pattern centers. Senna shared with us her patterns using the xylophone - she strung together different patterns that she created and it sounded like beautiful music!

In gym we played another game of floor hockey! We are getting better at problem solving in teams and making decisions about player positions. We make sure to rotate the goalies and people who do the face off, and sometimes use Rock-Paper-Sissors to settle matters. Tomorrow, we will be trying out a game of ringette!

Here are a couple of reminders:
1. All families are invited to carolling, which will start tomorrow at 9:00am. Volunteers are welcome to join us in the singing, but if you prefer to come after, we will be done by 9:30am.

2. Special helper for Thursday is Aiden. Please remember to bring your favorite stuffy, toy or action figure :)

3. For Spirit Day is tomorrow (Thursday), the theme is Polar Express - we are invited to wear our Christmas sweaters or colors (like red or green). Our lovely parent volunteers will be serving hot chocolate in the afternoon and at 2:45pm we will be heading to the learning commons to hear Mrs. Kidd read the Polar Express. Also, the names of the students who were showing exceptional behavior and hard work today will be put into a draw to receive the prize!

4. Please remember to bring library books tomorrow and place them in the returns bin (in the classroom) first thing in the morning for Mrs. Kidd.

5. Fun Lunch food order deadline is Friday, Jan. 11, 2019 (orders for Panago Pizza can be made online at: Fun Lunch will be held on Thursday, Jan. 17, 2019.