Friday, April 10, 2020

Learning from Home - Week 2

Learning From Home – Grade 1-2 
April 13-17 

Welcome to Week 2 of our learning from home. This week we are beginning our transition to Google Classroom as our main hub for learning. As we troubleshoot any potential access issues with Google Classroom we will continue to post our learning plans here as well. However, if you are able to access our Google Classroom, please go there to see your learning activities and ways to submit your work. 

Date to Remember: Google Meet on Tuesday April 14 at 12:30

Reading: Please complete your assignment on Raz-Kids. After you have finished the reading and the quiz you can choose 1 of the worksheets to complete if you are able to print it out.  

Please also make sure you are doing at least 15-20 minutes of reading every day. If you need some new books, please check out the Calgary Public Library for some great e-books or you can find books in the Raz-kids reading room or Level up! room 

Journals/FAF task: Each week I will give you a writing prompt for your journal.  You can continue to write and draw in your black journal, just like we did at school.  

Here is this week’s journal prompt:  
Go on a walk outside. Remember to follow all physical distancing rules (2m) and rules for self-isolating*. Tell me about your walk using our 5W’s. Where did you go? Who did you go with? When did you go? What did you see? Why did you choose this walk? Try to tell me as many details as you can so that I can imagine your walk.

* If you are not able to go outside at this time you can choose another topic to write about. *

Journal expectations: 

 The second assignment for our study of number patterns can be found in our Google Classroom.  It is called 100’s Chart Challenge. If you aren’t able to access the Google Classroom, please email me and I will send you the file.  

This week, please work on the appearance section of your animal research book. As you describe your animal’s appearance think about the features that make your animal unique and features that are important for your animal’s survival. Eg. Ear or tail shape, type of fur.  

HINT: Some of the ideas from this page might come from your diagram. Just remember to take those labels and turn them into full sentences.  

Please include: 
  • Animal height/length, weight, wingspan (if applicable) 
  • Gr. 1: 3-5 sentences/facts.  / Gr. 2: 5-7 sentences/facts. 
  • For the picture on this page you can find one on the computer to print out and glue on. Or, you can draw a picture.  
Learning Update: 
When you have completed your work, please upload the following items in our Google Classroom. If you are unable to access the Google Classroom please send me an email with the following things:  
  1. Brief message letting me know how things went.  
  1. Photo of your hundred’s chart. 
  1. Photo of your appearance page. 
  1. Photo of your journal entry.