Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Han 29 - learning about our hoop dancing routine

Today was our first day learning how to hoop dance with the hoops we made yesterday.

Teddy started the lesson by explaining the meaning of the four markers on the hoops. The number four is represented in our world through many things such as the four seasons, the four people, the four sacred colors, and the four cardinal directions. These hoops are symbolic and we have to show our respect for them by being careful with them and not stretching or breaking them on purpose.

We started by learning how to go through the hoops - forwards. 

Then, we learned how to go through the hoops - backwards.

We also learned how to throw the hoop over our heads and then climb through them as they fell.

Finally, learned how to catch the hoop between our legs and dance around with them.

We ended the morning session with some free-style dance with the hoops!

Then, in the afternoon all three grade 1/2 classrooms came together in the gym to learn and practice the hoop dancing routine that we will be performing on Thursday.
We learned how to make wings with the hoops...

... and a diaper (which we won't be doing for the performance haha)...

It was a lot of fun but also very tricky at times. Teddy reinforced the importance of never giving up. He taught us a very important lesson: making mistakes is good and it helps us to learn and grow. If we make a mistake, we should "take a break and try again"! This lesson can be applied to all areas of our life and in learning.

In the classroom, the grade 1s worked on "-ap" family words and put them into sentences at the carpet, while grade 2s created their "-ing" endings table. The grade 2s also had book time to read independently and record any -ing words in their journals.

Later, we worked away at our poetry book covers and then learned how to assemble pages with the paintings.

Reminder for tomorrow:
Aksel is special helper - please prepare to present about your special talent.