Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jan 15

Today, after working on our poems we started our prairie paintings. We started by painting on a background with a light wash of color. Then, we waited for it to dry to add details to the painting - some people are stilling for their backgrounds to dry. 

[The golden wheat fields]

[The rising sun and pink skies]
[The happy farmer]

For word work, the grade 2s worked together to find a new rule for "-ed Endings" - this is what we found out:

Meanwhile, the grade 1s independently worked on printing "-an words" and then worked on an activity where they identified the correct spelling of these words.

For gym, we continued on with our practice of dribbling and jump shots, then tried drills and games passing with a partner.

In music, we were coloring images of trees in different seasons for Vivaldi. This follows our movement activity from last week where we listened to the piece titled, "Spring" by Vivaldi. 

1. Special helper for tomorrow (Wednesday, Jan. 16) is Josie. Please remember to bring your favorite stuffy, toy or action figure :)

2. Fun Lunch (Panago) is this Thursday!