Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sept. 15

Today we started having special helpers. Everyday we draw the next days helper out of our helper jar.

The special helpers get to:
- Sit on the helper chair.
- Lead our lines.
- Lead our gym warm-up.
- Help Ms. Boyer with special jobs.
- Bring sharing.

This round the topic for sharing is books. When it is your turn to be the helper please bring your favourite book to share with the class. Ms. Boyer will read your story to the class at the end of the day.  Our helper tomorrow will be Teagan.

Other exciting news today was that we got to see a picture of Ms. Coulson's new baby!

A great big thank you to our Room 2 friends Isabel, Jessica, Evelyn, Claire, David, Eiman, Ellie, and Pania, who helped to collect garbage during their recess time. That was a GREAT idea!

(p.s Some Room 1 friends also helped collect garbage. Thanks to Chelsea, Freya, Inga, Saorsie, Hailey, and Julia.)