Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Feb. 16

During our animal research time today we started figuring out our animal's diet. That means what it eats. We used books to start our research. We learned that some animals are insectivores, some are herbivores, some are omnivores, and some are carnivores. Do you know what those big words mean? If not, ask your family's zoologist (a.k.a, your kid!).

Today we had Jungle Safari in gym. In Jungle Safari the gymnastics equipment is set up like  an obstacle course and we are pretending it is the jungle. There are snakes, gorillas, jaguars, and lions (even they don't really live in the jungle).  During Jungle Safari you have to be completely silent or you might get eaten!

We had library today because Mrs. Kidd will be away on Thursday. Some of us borrowed a new book today and promised Mrs. Kidd that we will return our old books tomorrow or Thursday.

Tomorrow is games club at lunch. If you are in games club please remember to bring your own game to play with a friend. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Isabel