Today we worked on our animal research. Lots of people were able to finish the "what I eat" section. Did you know that hares have to digest some of their food twice? Did you know coyotes are omnivores just like us? Did you know Western Jumping mice are herbivores? Did you know the big brown bat is an insectivore and uses echolocation to find food? Did you know the long-tailed weasel crushes its prey's skull with its canines?

This afternoon when Atiksh was doing his sharing we learned how to use the Zoomy Camera. It is a microscope that hooks up to the computer. We took some pictures of Atiksh's geode and of the cow bone that Sanuka brought.
Mrs. Smith found a neat tool for us to use to measure our classroom noise. The website is called . You can try it at home to measure your noise level.
Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. We will be spending quite a bit of time outside doing an orienteering challenge! Please dress appropriately.