Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20

This morning we had our Kindergarten switch! The grade 2's got to visit with Mrs. Wilkens and the grade 1's had a chance to practice being grade 2's. Mrs. Wilkens played camouflage, went to the playground, and did some drawing. The kindergartens and the grade 1's watched the popcorn video, then we read a butterfly story, and then we used paint to make butterflies that were symmetrical by only putting paint on one side of the paper and then folding the paper and squishing the paint on both sides. After recess we got all of our math papers packed up for the year and we are bringing our math folders home today.

This afternoon we worked on out 1916 buildings. Most people were able to finish and are bringing their plans home today. We will keep the buildings here at school until the end of the week. In gym we played kick ball. The grade 1's got to kick today and the grade 2's played the bases. Tomorrow we will switch. Today in music we watched part of Ms. Lim's favourite movie, The Sound of Music.