Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 9

Today we made the backgrounds for our assembly. The backgrounds will be the setting for our play. We are lucky because we were able to re-use one of the scenes from last year so we had one less setting to paint. People were put in groups based on their animals. Some people had to make backgrounds with bushes, some with trees, and some with plants. The skunks and rabbits even had to include the ski jumps. The group that is the kids and the narrator went together and had to paint an indoor scene.

We were supposed to work on the assembly costumes as well but we ran out of time. We will be making these on Monday. Please remember our assembly is on Thursday at 2:00pm. 

At gym we ran one lap of the field, then we played frisbee with a partner. After that we got to play at the playground for a few minutes.

There is no school tomorrow. Have a great long weekend!