Today we started with guided reading and centers. Then, we continued working on our story writing. Most of us have our puppets finished and have started acting out our stories. We will carry on with this after our break.
In word work, the Grade 1's did their March spelling test. Please check you child's backpack for their test and the new "No Excuses" word list to continue practicing at home. After word work we continued on with our Treasure Math. Today we looked at box #7. In this challenge we need to bribe the Crocodile King to let us pass through the crocodile infested waters. If we are in Grade 1 we need to figure out what combination of coins will make 50 cents for our bribe. If we are in Grade 2, we need to figure out what combination of coins will make 150 cents.
This afternoon we did another floating and sinking experiment. We each got a piece plasticine, just like yesterday. We had to make a shape that would float and then we tested to see how many pennies it could hold. Then, we tried a new design. We tried to keep building better and better boats that could hold more pennies. The penny record today was: 23 pennies! Some of us tried to make boats that looked like the Bluenose. We discovered that a long boat that had really thin, but high walls worked the best. If the walls were too thick it would sink and if the walls weren't high enough water got in.
After we finished our experiment we went outside for some free gym time with Room 1. At the end of the day we cleaned out our desks and watched the last few minutes of Lorax.
Today is the last day of school for students until April! Have a great break!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Testing our Theories
This morning we started with guided reading and then we moved on to our story writing. Right now we are in the planning phase of this project. We have each chosen some characters and a setting for our arctic stories and now we are working to make puppets so that we can start making up our stories by acting them out. Once we have a good idea for a story figured out we are recording the problem and the solution on our story map. This way we will still remember it when we come back after our break!
After recess we had word work and then we continued our treasure math. Today we got to peek into treasure box #5 and #6. At #5 we have to use adding and subtracting to figure out the combination for the locked gate at the Lazy Lagoon. Once we figure out the combination we can sail on toward #6 where stormy seas knock over our cargo like dominoes. We have to get our cargo back in order in under 5 minutes to pass this level.
After lunch we continued our study of sinking and floating. We started by sharing the theories we came up with yesterday and creating a class chart of our theories.
Then, Ms. Boyer gave us a challenge. She showed us a piece of plasticine and we had to decide whether it would float or sink based on our theories. Some of us thought it would float because it was fairly light and small. Some of us thought it would sink because it was solid and didn't have any air in it. We tested the plasticine together and found out that it sank. That's where the challenge came in. Ms. Boyer told us we had to figure out how to make it float! We each got our own piece of plasticine and tested different shapes to see what we could discover. In the end we figured out that a "pancake with walls", or a boat shape, or a cup shape worked. We decided this worked because it was full of air and the walls stopped water from getting inside. Some of us also tested out a few other designs such as a hollow ball but we couldn't seem to get those to float even though they met the criteria in our theory...
(p.s sorry Ms. Boyer keeps holding her phone the wrong way when she takes the videos!!)
Tomorrow is World Water Day! We are going to celebrate by trying to wear blue!
After recess we had word work and then we continued our treasure math. Today we got to peek into treasure box #5 and #6. At #5 we have to use adding and subtracting to figure out the combination for the locked gate at the Lazy Lagoon. Once we figure out the combination we can sail on toward #6 where stormy seas knock over our cargo like dominoes. We have to get our cargo back in order in under 5 minutes to pass this level.

Then, Ms. Boyer gave us a challenge. She showed us a piece of plasticine and we had to decide whether it would float or sink based on our theories. Some of us thought it would float because it was fairly light and small. Some of us thought it would sink because it was solid and didn't have any air in it. We tested the plasticine together and found out that it sank. That's where the challenge came in. Ms. Boyer told us we had to figure out how to make it float! We each got our own piece of plasticine and tested different shapes to see what we could discover. In the end we figured out that a "pancake with walls", or a boat shape, or a cup shape worked. We decided this worked because it was full of air and the walls stopped water from getting inside. Some of us also tested out a few other designs such as a hollow ball but we couldn't seem to get those to float even though they met the criteria in our theory...
(p.s sorry Ms. Boyer keeps holding her phone the wrong way when she takes the videos!!)
Tomorrow is World Water Day! We are going to celebrate by trying to wear blue!
Monday, March 20, 2017
What's your Theory?
This morning we started with journals. We are still working on using our hamburger paragraph model and our 5 W's to add more details to our writing. The grade 1's needed to make at least 1 hamburger. Grade 2's needed to make at least 2 hamburgers.
Today in math we worked on our Treasure Chest math. We didn't read box #5 yet because no one was ready for it yet. Everyone is finished box #1, a few people are on box #2, lots of people are on box #3, and quite a few are on box #4. During our work time today Jasper finished box #4 and got to take a sneak peek at box #5!
This afternoon we worked on floating and sinking again. We started by trying to remember the things that floated and sank in our test last week and we made a class chart. Then, we went in groups of 3 to try to develop a theory about why things sink or float. We are writing our ideas on chart papers so that we will be able to share our theories with the class. We are using the sentence starters: "A thing will float if..." and "A thing will sink if...". to write down our theories.
Please remember that tomorrow is treat day.
Our helper tomorrow is: Bilal
Today in math we worked on our Treasure Chest math. We didn't read box #5 yet because no one was ready for it yet. Everyone is finished box #1, a few people are on box #2, lots of people are on box #3, and quite a few are on box #4. During our work time today Jasper finished box #4 and got to take a sneak peek at box #5!
This afternoon we worked on floating and sinking again. We started by trying to remember the things that floated and sank in our test last week and we made a class chart. Then, we went in groups of 3 to try to develop a theory about why things sink or float. We are writing our ideas on chart papers so that we will be able to share our theories with the class. We are using the sentence starters: "A thing will float if..." and "A thing will sink if...". to write down our theories.
Please remember that tomorrow is treat day.
Our helper tomorrow is: Bilal
Friday, March 17, 2017
Leave No Trace
Today we started our morning with Big Buddies. Our buddies picked out a few books to read to us and we picked out a few books to share with them.
After Big Buddies we read a story called Spaghetti Park. The story was about a boy who enjoys going to the park with his grandpa to play bocce ball, but the park keeps getting damaged by a group of trouble makers. There is garbage, and graffiti, and damage everywhere. In the story the boy works with his dad and their community to repair the park and make it beautiful and they even put in a real bocce ball pitch. But the trouble makers keep coming back and doing more damage. But, the boy and his dad persevere and eventually get a few of the troublemakers to change their ways and start helping in the park instead of hurting it. In the end, everyone realizes how important it is to keep the park looking great and they all start pitching in.
After we read the story Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby introduced us to a new phrase. The phrase is: Leave No Trace. Mrs. Hamby and Ms. Boyer gave us a hint that the story and the phrase kind of went together and then we worked in small groups to try to figure out what that phrase might mean. We recorded our ideas on chart paper and then shared our ideas with the class. While we were sharing Ms. Boyer added our ideas to a class list on the chart paper. Here is what we came up with:

Once we understood the idea of Leave No Trace, it was time to put the idea into action. Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby reminded us that forts were one of the negative human impacts we identified in the Whispering Woods but Mrs. Hamby also told us a story about how much fun she used to have building forts when she was little. We talked about how maybe we could use the idea of Leave No Trace to find a balance between having fun with forts and also reducing our negative human impacts. That lead to today's challenge. We went out to the Whispering Woods and each chose a place to play and build. Once we had chosen a spot we had one of the adults take a "before" picture. Then, we got to build and play. We were allowed to build anything we wanted using the materials that we could find in the woods. Once we were finished building we asked an adult to take a "during" picture. Finally, we had to take our building apart and try to Leave No Trace. Once we thought we had put everything back where we found it, we had an adult take an "after" picture. Take a look at some of our pictures, how do you think we did?
After Big Buddies we read a story called Spaghetti Park. The story was about a boy who enjoys going to the park with his grandpa to play bocce ball, but the park keeps getting damaged by a group of trouble makers. There is garbage, and graffiti, and damage everywhere. In the story the boy works with his dad and their community to repair the park and make it beautiful and they even put in a real bocce ball pitch. But the trouble makers keep coming back and doing more damage. But, the boy and his dad persevere and eventually get a few of the troublemakers to change their ways and start helping in the park instead of hurting it. In the end, everyone realizes how important it is to keep the park looking great and they all start pitching in.
After we read the story Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby introduced us to a new phrase. The phrase is: Leave No Trace. Mrs. Hamby and Ms. Boyer gave us a hint that the story and the phrase kind of went together and then we worked in small groups to try to figure out what that phrase might mean. We recorded our ideas on chart paper and then shared our ideas with the class. While we were sharing Ms. Boyer added our ideas to a class list on the chart paper. Here is what we came up with:

Once we understood the idea of Leave No Trace, it was time to put the idea into action. Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby reminded us that forts were one of the negative human impacts we identified in the Whispering Woods but Mrs. Hamby also told us a story about how much fun she used to have building forts when she was little. We talked about how maybe we could use the idea of Leave No Trace to find a balance between having fun with forts and also reducing our negative human impacts. That lead to today's challenge. We went out to the Whispering Woods and each chose a place to play and build. Once we had chosen a spot we had one of the adults take a "before" picture. Then, we got to build and play. We were allowed to build anything we wanted using the materials that we could find in the woods. Once we were finished building we asked an adult to take a "during" picture. Finally, we had to take our building apart and try to Leave No Trace. Once we thought we had put everything back where we found it, we had an adult take an "after" picture. Take a look at some of our pictures, how do you think we did?
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Sink or Float?
This morning after our guided reading time we read a story called "Amorak". The story was an arctic tale about how the strong caribou herds had a sickness and began making the herd sick and weak. The woman went to the "Great Creator in the Sky" and asked for a tool to help them. Then she was told to go and stand by a hole in the ice. A wolf appeard, Amorak. The wolves began to eat all the weak and sick caribou and soon the herd was healthy again. We talked about the story problem and solution and all the events that lead to the solution. We are hoping this coverstaion will give us some ideas for our own story writing. After we finished talking about the story we watched a short video about a real-life version of this story that happened in Yellowstone National Park when they re-introduced the wolves. When we finished the video we went with a buddy to talk about our own story ideas so far.
After recess we did our Treasure Hunt Math. Today some people were ready to move on to box #4. In this part we have to produce a whole bunch of number patterns to show to a mean troll who is guarding a low drawbridge. For each pattern we complete the troll will give us one letter in the password. Once we know the password we can use it to raise the drawbridge and keep sailing.
This afternoon we finished up our sinking and floating tests that we started yesterday. We worked in our table groups to see which materials would sink, which would float, and which would float and then sink. We recorded our answers on a chart. This information will be very important when we start making our own boats after the spring break!
Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. It will probably be a bit chilly in the morning so please dress appropriately. We will be working in the Whispering Woods and things might get a little muddy so please keep that in mind when you are getting ready!
After recess we did our Treasure Hunt Math. Today some people were ready to move on to box #4. In this part we have to produce a whole bunch of number patterns to show to a mean troll who is guarding a low drawbridge. For each pattern we complete the troll will give us one letter in the password. Once we know the password we can use it to raise the drawbridge and keep sailing.
This afternoon we finished up our sinking and floating tests that we started yesterday. We worked in our table groups to see which materials would sink, which would float, and which would float and then sink. We recorded our answers on a chart. This information will be very important when we start making our own boats after the spring break!
Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. It will probably be a bit chilly in the morning so please dress appropriately. We will be working in the Whispering Woods and things might get a little muddy so please keep that in mind when you are getting ready!
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Author Visit
This morning we had a visit from an author named Tyler Enfield. He is the author of the Wrush books and Hannah and the Magical Eye. He told us some stories and also played the didgeridoo. It made sort of a strange sound and it comes from Australia.
In math we worked on our Treasure Math challenge. Today we got to peek inside box #3. In challenge number three we have to soothe some mischievous mermaids who have stopped our ship. We have to use the xylophones to create a soothing sound pattern that will make the mermaids fall asleep so that we can pass. Once we have created and practiced our pattern we have to perform it for one of our generals and get it approved before we can move on.
This afternoon we started an experiment about sinking and floating. Today we did our predictions about which items we think will sink or float. Tomorrow we will test the items and see if our predictions where correct. We also read a book about sinking and floating and learned about a scientist names Archimedes who studied things related to water and discovered the concept of displacement.
Here is our home science challenge:
1. Fill up your bathtub.
2. Mark the water level with a bath crayon or just with your finger.
3. Step in the tub. Mark the water level.
4. Sit in the water. Mark the water level.
5. Lay down in the tub. Get mom or dad to mark the water level.
6. What happened to the water level as you added more of your body to the water?
(Now that you're in there, you might as well have a bath. Don't forget to wash behind your ears!)
This test will show you Archimedes Principle. Can you figure out what his law might be after you do this test?
In math we worked on our Treasure Math challenge. Today we got to peek inside box #3. In challenge number three we have to soothe some mischievous mermaids who have stopped our ship. We have to use the xylophones to create a soothing sound pattern that will make the mermaids fall asleep so that we can pass. Once we have created and practiced our pattern we have to perform it for one of our generals and get it approved before we can move on.
This afternoon we started an experiment about sinking and floating. Today we did our predictions about which items we think will sink or float. Tomorrow we will test the items and see if our predictions where correct. We also read a book about sinking and floating and learned about a scientist names Archimedes who studied things related to water and discovered the concept of displacement.
Here is our home science challenge:
1. Fill up your bathtub.
2. Mark the water level with a bath crayon or just with your finger.
3. Step in the tub. Mark the water level.
4. Sit in the water. Mark the water level.
5. Lay down in the tub. Get mom or dad to mark the water level.
6. What happened to the water level as you added more of your body to the water?
(Now that you're in there, you might as well have a bath. Don't forget to wash behind your ears!)
This test will show you Archimedes Principle. Can you figure out what his law might be after you do this test?
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Today we started with journals and worked to write two paragraphs. The first paragraph was about our weekend and the second paragraph was about our trip to the Glenbow museum. The Grade 2's helped Ms. Boyer teach the Grade 1's about hamburger paragraphs. This is a way to make writing paragraphs a little easier by giving us a plan to follow. When we were writing our hamburger paragraphs we tried to remember to use our 5 W's so that we had paragraphs that gave lots of information.

After recess we did word work and then continued with our new Treasure Hunt math. Today some of us were able to move on to the second challenge and the rest of us worked to finish our pendant of protection.
This afternoon we worked to finish our Bluenose watercolour paintings. We were trying to take our time so that we could include all the details we had in our practice drawings. Most of us are finished but a few of us will need some more time tomorrow.
Tomorrow our helper is: Shawn

After recess we did word work and then continued with our new Treasure Hunt math. Today some of us were able to move on to the second challenge and the rest of us worked to finish our pendant of protection.
This afternoon we worked to finish our Bluenose watercolour paintings. We were trying to take our time so that we could include all the details we had in our practice drawings. Most of us are finished but a few of us will need some more time tomorrow.
Tomorrow our helper is: Shawn
Monday, March 13, 2017
Glenbow Museum!
Today we went to the Glenbow museum! When we got there we had to go put our lunches away in the lunchroom and then we went to Inuit: The land and people. While we were at the Inuit program, room 1 went to Tipis, Tales, and Teachings. At our Inuit program our teacher's name was Judy. We learned about the importance of caribou and seals to the Inuit and even got to touch real Caribou fur. We learned how to tell the difference between artifacts made from caribou bone and antler. Caribou bones are hollow and filled with marrow. The inuit eat the marrow because it gives them lots of important vitamins and helps them survive. Bones are also a single colour and smooth. Caribou antlers are solid inside and when you touch the inside it is a bit rough. After we had learned some new facts about the Inuit, we had a chance to look at some real Inuit artifacts. We each wore special white gloves when we were handling the artifacts so that the oils in our hands wouldn't damage them. We got to see a blubber pounder, a seal oil lamp, snow goggles, and a snow knife. We were able to identify all of them without any help from Judy thanks to our Inuit research books. Judy was VERY impressed with how much we knew about the arctic and the Inuit.
After lunch we went to our Tipis, Tales, and Teachings program with Sheldon. When we went into the Tipi room Sheldon told us some stories about tipis and the meaning of the designs. Then we had some time to explore the exhibits. Then we each had a chance to start designing our own tipis.
Thank you so much to the parent, and grand-parent volunteers who joined us today!
When we got back to school we had some book time and then we watched a bit more of the Lorax.
Our helper tomorrow is: Jessica
After lunch we went to our Tipis, Tales, and Teachings program with Sheldon. When we went into the Tipi room Sheldon told us some stories about tipis and the meaning of the designs. Then we had some time to explore the exhibits. Then we each had a chance to start designing our own tipis.
Thank you so much to the parent, and grand-parent volunteers who joined us today!
When we got back to school we had some book time and then we watched a bit more of the Lorax.
Our helper tomorrow is: Jessica
Friday, March 10, 2017
Fresh Air Friday - Human Impacts
Today we started the day with big buddies. We read stories together.
When we came back from big buddies we read a story called Salmon Forest, by David Suzuki. It was too cold to go outside today but we wanted to continue our environmental science work anyways. The story talked about how important the salmon run is to the forests on the west coast and how everything is connected. After the story we watched some videos about the salmon run, about how grizzly bears catch salmon, and about how humans have impacted the salmon on some rivers by building dams.
After that we continued working on our posters about human impacts in the Whispering Woods. We finished our posters by adding on the pictures we took in the Whispering Woods, showing the location of the pictures with string, and adding our writing about the problems with the human impacts.

At recess, we got hot chocolate, even though it was too cold to go outside today. We sure are lucky!!
At the end of our day we got to watch the first part of the movie The Lorax. We decided to watch it because it is a movie that is about environmental science and human impacts.
Please remember that we are going on our field trip to the Glenbow Museum on Monday. The museum has requested that we only bring lunch bags as they do not have enough space to store our backpacks. Please remember to arrive on-time for school so that we can leave promptly and arrive on-time for our programs.
When we came back from big buddies we read a story called Salmon Forest, by David Suzuki. It was too cold to go outside today but we wanted to continue our environmental science work anyways. The story talked about how important the salmon run is to the forests on the west coast and how everything is connected. After the story we watched some videos about the salmon run, about how grizzly bears catch salmon, and about how humans have impacted the salmon on some rivers by building dams.
After that we continued working on our posters about human impacts in the Whispering Woods. We finished our posters by adding on the pictures we took in the Whispering Woods, showing the location of the pictures with string, and adding our writing about the problems with the human impacts.

At recess, we got hot chocolate, even though it was too cold to go outside today. We sure are lucky!!
At the end of our day we got to watch the first part of the movie The Lorax. We decided to watch it because it is a movie that is about environmental science and human impacts.
Please remember that we are going on our field trip to the Glenbow Museum on Monday. The museum has requested that we only bring lunch bags as they do not have enough space to store our backpacks. Please remember to arrive on-time for school so that we can leave promptly and arrive on-time for our programs.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Stories, Treasures, and Watercolours
Today we continued working on our story plans. We worked to finish up our plan for the setting and our characters. When we finished we were invited to start working on making a puppet for our main character. We will use the puppets to help us act out our stories. This will help us get our stories just right before we start writing them down.
After recess and word work we started to work on the first task that came in the mysterious box from yesterday. The first task was to create a pendant of protection to help keep us safe during the long journey ahead. In order to work, the pendant needed to have exactly 80 beads and every 10th bead had to be a large pearl bead. Some of us were able to finish and will get to see what is in the second box tomorrow. Some of us will need another day to work on our pendants before we are ready to move on.
At lunch we had FUN LUNCH!! Thank you to all the parents who came to volunteer. After we finished eating we got to watch an Arthur movie and do some drawing because it was too cold to go outside.
After lunch we started working on our watercolour Bluenose paintings. We are trying to put the same level of detail into this watercolour as we did in our practice drawings. We have to use really thin brushes to get all the details to stay clear and we are even saving a few of the small details like the rigging for a very fine sharpie when we are finished the rest of the painting.
In gym we played a game to learn about directions on a boat. We learned that the bow is the front of the boat, the stern is the back, portis the left side, and starboard is the right side. In the game we had to follow Ms. Boyer's instructions and remember which direction was which. For example, Ms. Boyer might say "Swab the deck on the port side" and we would need to run to the port (left) side and pretend to swab the deck.
Please remember that tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. The forecast says it will be very cold but we will still plan to go our for a little bit of time provided it is not below -20C. Please be sure to have snowpants, toques, mittens, coats, and boots all ready to go.
After recess and word work we started to work on the first task that came in the mysterious box from yesterday. The first task was to create a pendant of protection to help keep us safe during the long journey ahead. In order to work, the pendant needed to have exactly 80 beads and every 10th bead had to be a large pearl bead. Some of us were able to finish and will get to see what is in the second box tomorrow. Some of us will need another day to work on our pendants before we are ready to move on.
At lunch we had FUN LUNCH!! Thank you to all the parents who came to volunteer. After we finished eating we got to watch an Arthur movie and do some drawing because it was too cold to go outside.
After lunch we started working on our watercolour Bluenose paintings. We are trying to put the same level of detail into this watercolour as we did in our practice drawings. We have to use really thin brushes to get all the details to stay clear and we are even saving a few of the small details like the rigging for a very fine sharpie when we are finished the rest of the painting.
In gym we played a game to learn about directions on a boat. We learned that the bow is the front of the boat, the stern is the back, portis the left side, and starboard is the right side. In the game we had to follow Ms. Boyer's instructions and remember which direction was which. For example, Ms. Boyer might say "Swab the deck on the port side" and we would need to run to the port (left) side and pretend to swab the deck.
Please remember that tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. The forecast says it will be very cold but we will still plan to go our for a little bit of time provided it is not below -20C. Please be sure to have snowpants, toques, mittens, coats, and boots all ready to go.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
A Mysterious Package
This morning we started working on our story plans for the Arctic stories we will be writing. Today we worked on choosing our setting and our characters. Ask me about my main character and what ideas I have for my story so far.
After recess we worked on finishing our practice drawings of the Bluenose. The Bluenose is famous because it is the boat on the Canadian Dime. The Bluenose and its crew were very fast because they used to fish and the first boat back to the docks got the best price for their fish so all the fishermen learned to sail fast. But the Bluenose was so fast that they started entering races. They won lots of races including the America's Cup.

This afternoon when we were in the middle of reading a pirate story Ms. Saunders came in carrying a mysterious package. She told us that a strange man had arrived at the office on a huge horse and gave her this huge treasure chest and told her to give it to us. Inside the chest their was a letter, maps, and boxes full of instructions and supplies. The letter said that we have been chosen as knights to help the kingdom find its lost treasure. Tomorrow we are going to follow the first instructions. It says that we have to create a pendant of protection using beads to keep us safe on our journey.
Tomorrow is Fun Lunch and Jersey Day. For Jersey Day you can wear a jersey or uniform for any sport you play of club you belong to. Or, you can wear a jersey from your favourite team.
Tomorrow our helper is: Addison
After recess we worked on finishing our practice drawings of the Bluenose. The Bluenose is famous because it is the boat on the Canadian Dime. The Bluenose and its crew were very fast because they used to fish and the first boat back to the docks got the best price for their fish so all the fishermen learned to sail fast. But the Bluenose was so fast that they started entering races. They won lots of races including the America's Cup.

This afternoon when we were in the middle of reading a pirate story Ms. Saunders came in carrying a mysterious package. She told us that a strange man had arrived at the office on a huge horse and gave her this huge treasure chest and told her to give it to us. Inside the chest their was a letter, maps, and boxes full of instructions and supplies. The letter said that we have been chosen as knights to help the kingdom find its lost treasure. Tomorrow we are going to follow the first instructions. It says that we have to create a pendant of protection using beads to keep us safe on our journey.
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The note from yesterday |
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The note from today |
Tomorrow our helper is: Addison
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
A Mysterious Letter
Ms. Boyer was away at a system meeting this afternoon so we did not get a chance to write the blog together.
Here are a few things to talk about at dinner tonight.
1. Ask me about the strange letter that arrived this morning.
2. Ask me what I learned about the Bluenose this afternoon.
3. Ask me to demonstrate one of the non-standard measurements I used today in math.
Please remember that tomorrow is our library day.
Here are a few things to talk about at dinner tonight.
1. Ask me about the strange letter that arrived this morning.
2. Ask me what I learned about the Bluenose this afternoon.
3. Ask me to demonstrate one of the non-standard measurements I used today in math.
Please remember that tomorrow is our library day.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Next Stop: Nova Scotia
This morning we started with journals. We are continuing to work on adding more details to our writing by using the 5 W's. What, when, who, where, why. The grade 2's are also working to try to use these 5W's in combination with the hamburger paragraph we practiced earlier in the year.
In math today we started a measurment challenge. The challenge uses non-standard measurement units which means things like feet, hands, and body lengths. These are non-standard because they are not always the same. Hands, feet, and bodies can all be different lengths. We talked about the importance of accurate, careful measuring and about using a consistent unit of measurement if you are trying to compare two different things.
This afternoon we started our new social studies unit about Nova Scotia. Ms. Boyer started by sharing some pictures from her summer vacation to Nova Scotia. We made observations about the landscape and tried to compare it to the landscape in the arctic. We also looked at some pictures of the different boats Ms. Boyer went on including one very famous boat called the Bluenose. Tomorrow we will take a closer look at the Bluenose and learn more about its history.

Our helper tomorrow is: Ibrahim
In math today we started a measurment challenge. The challenge uses non-standard measurement units which means things like feet, hands, and body lengths. These are non-standard because they are not always the same. Hands, feet, and bodies can all be different lengths. We talked about the importance of accurate, careful measuring and about using a consistent unit of measurement if you are trying to compare two different things.
This afternoon we started our new social studies unit about Nova Scotia. Ms. Boyer started by sharing some pictures from her summer vacation to Nova Scotia. We made observations about the landscape and tried to compare it to the landscape in the arctic. We also looked at some pictures of the different boats Ms. Boyer went on including one very famous boat called the Bluenose. Tomorrow we will take a closer look at the Bluenose and learn more about its history.

Our helper tomorrow is: Ibrahim
Friday, March 3, 2017
Human Impacts - Fresh Air Friday
This morning we started with big buddies. Our big buddies read us a story and then we read a story to our big buddies.
After big buddies we went back to our work about human impacts in Whispering Woods. We started by reading the Lorax. It is about someone called a Once-ler who is causing very negative impacts. Trees get cut down and animals get hurt, and lots of pollution is created. We had a big talk about the important job of environmental scientists to make people aware of their impacts because it didn't seem like the Once-ler was trying to be mean, but he just wasn't paying attention to the negative impacts his decisions were having. We went out to the Whispering Woods in our research groups and marked the human impacts on a map to show where they were happening the most. We also took photos of the impacts using the iPads so that we can evidence of the problem.

During our recess break we had a visit from Sam and Brian from grade 5-6. They told us about some strange red powder they have noticed at the bottom of some of the aspen trees in the Whispering Woods. They have asked us not to touch the red powder until they can do some research and figure out what it is. They think it might be a fungus or virus that is growing on the trees. Once they have some answers they will report back to us.
After recess we started making awareness posters to show the rest of the school the human impacts we have discovered. We will continue working on these next week and we will let you know when they are on display so that you can come to see them.
Our helper on Monday is: Abdul Ahad
After big buddies we went back to our work about human impacts in Whispering Woods. We started by reading the Lorax. It is about someone called a Once-ler who is causing very negative impacts. Trees get cut down and animals get hurt, and lots of pollution is created. We had a big talk about the important job of environmental scientists to make people aware of their impacts because it didn't seem like the Once-ler was trying to be mean, but he just wasn't paying attention to the negative impacts his decisions were having. We went out to the Whispering Woods in our research groups and marked the human impacts on a map to show where they were happening the most. We also took photos of the impacts using the iPads so that we can evidence of the problem.

During our recess break we had a visit from Sam and Brian from grade 5-6. They told us about some strange red powder they have noticed at the bottom of some of the aspen trees in the Whispering Woods. They have asked us not to touch the red powder until they can do some research and figure out what it is. They think it might be a fungus or virus that is growing on the trees. Once they have some answers they will report back to us.
After recess we started making awareness posters to show the rest of the school the human impacts we have discovered. We will continue working on these next week and we will let you know when they are on display so that you can come to see them.
Our helper on Monday is: Abdul Ahad
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Today we continued our work to find Inuktitut words to include in our arctic stories. We were able to find some interesting people, animal, and landscape words such as:
Atiqtalaaq (Polar Bear Cub)
Tulukaruk (Crow)
Tomkin (Home of Spirits)
Pikatti (Companion)
After recess we did wordwork and then we did a much needed desk clean-out! Many of us had very full desks and have quite a few bits and pieces coming home in our backpacks. Congratulations to Isabel who set a goal for herself to keep her desk clean for all of February and achieved her goal. This is Isabel's desk tray BEFORE we even started our desk clean out. Congratulations Isabel!
Atiqtalaaq (Polar Bear Cub)
Tulukaruk (Crow)
Tomkin (Home of Spirits)
Pikatti (Companion)
Next week, we will decide on our story characters, make our story plans, and begin acting out our stories using puppets. Then, we will be ready to start writing!

When our desk clean-out was finished we had a few minutes to play Matheltics.
This afternoon we had another discussion about the human impacts in Whispering Woods. The main piece of our discussion was about the pathways. Our t-chart from yesterday indicated that the group felt the pathways were a negative impact, but our Whispering Signs refer to the pathways as "protective pathways" and seem to be saying that the pathways are a good thing. We talked about a few different ideas that you could keep discussing at home: Why are some pathways good and some pathways bad? What does a "protective pathway" protect? Can there be too few or too many pathways in a space?
After we finished our work about human impacts we went to gym. Today was our last day of jungle safari. Then, it was time for music.
Please remember that tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. We will be spending time in the Whispering Woods so please come dressed appropriately for the snow and the weather. If you have not returned your field trip forms please do so ASAP.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Speech bubbles and thought bubbles...what's the difference?
This morning we started getting ready for story writing. We were working to make a chart of Inuktitut words that we might want to put in our stories. We tried to find people names, animal names, and landscape words. We will keep working on this tomorrow.
After recess we had word work. The grade 2's are working on improving their editing skills by doing a daily edit. They are looking for spelling mistakes, missing punctuation, and capitalizations. The grade 1's worked on writing sentences using our new words for the week.
Today in math we had another day to play Race to 100. We are getting much better at counting on using tally marks without making mistakes.
This afternoon we finished up our t-charts for the human impacts in Whispering Woods. Then we had a few minutes to practice our presentations. Then we presented our work to the class and told the class if we thought our impact was mostly positive or mostly negative. Here is the chart we came up with following these presentations.
At home, please try to brainstorm some things we could do to improve the negative impacts to our Whispering Woods. We will be talking about this as a class on Fresh Air Friday.
After our science time we had library. We read a story and got to sign out new books. In gym we had jungle safari. Some of us were able to complete the whole course today! At the end of the day we read another story by one of our favourite authors, Mo Willems. This story was called "Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus".
Over the past few weeks Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby have noticed that some of us are having trouble staying focused during our group learning times and are forgetting to listen to our classmates when they are sharing. To help us with this problem we have some new visual reminders we are using.
When we come to the carpet the person who is speaking gets to hold the speech bubble. When we have the speech bubble we are working to use a big speaking voice so that everyone can hear us.
When we are not the speaker it is our job to be listening and thinking about the ideas the speaker is sharing. If we are having trouble with this, one of our teachers will hand us a "thought bubble" as a reminder. At home, please ask your child if they needed any "thought bubble" reminders today and, if so, what they will do tomorrow to improve their active listening skills. Thank you for your support with this work!
Tomorrow our helper will be Sarah
After recess we had word work. The grade 2's are working on improving their editing skills by doing a daily edit. They are looking for spelling mistakes, missing punctuation, and capitalizations. The grade 1's worked on writing sentences using our new words for the week.
Today in math we had another day to play Race to 100. We are getting much better at counting on using tally marks without making mistakes.
This afternoon we finished up our t-charts for the human impacts in Whispering Woods. Then we had a few minutes to practice our presentations. Then we presented our work to the class and told the class if we thought our impact was mostly positive or mostly negative. Here is the chart we came up with following these presentations.
At home, please try to brainstorm some things we could do to improve the negative impacts to our Whispering Woods. We will be talking about this as a class on Fresh Air Friday.
After our science time we had library. We read a story and got to sign out new books. In gym we had jungle safari. Some of us were able to complete the whole course today! At the end of the day we read another story by one of our favourite authors, Mo Willems. This story was called "Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus".
Over the past few weeks Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby have noticed that some of us are having trouble staying focused during our group learning times and are forgetting to listen to our classmates when they are sharing. To help us with this problem we have some new visual reminders we are using.
When we come to the carpet the person who is speaking gets to hold the speech bubble. When we have the speech bubble we are working to use a big speaking voice so that everyone can hear us.
When we are not the speaker it is our job to be listening and thinking about the ideas the speaker is sharing. If we are having trouble with this, one of our teachers will hand us a "thought bubble" as a reminder. At home, please ask your child if they needed any "thought bubble" reminders today and, if so, what they will do tomorrow to improve their active listening skills. Thank you for your support with this work!
Tomorrow our helper will be Sarah
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