Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sink or Float?

This morning after our guided reading time we read a story called "Amorak". The story was an arctic tale about how the strong caribou herds had a sickness and began making the herd sick and weak. The woman went to the "Great Creator in the Sky" and asked for a tool to help them. Then she was told to go and stand by a hole in the ice. A wolf appeard, Amorak. The wolves began to eat all the weak and sick caribou and soon the herd was healthy again. We talked about the story problem and solution and all the events that lead to the solution. We are hoping this coverstaion will give us some ideas for our own story writing. After we finished talking about the story we watched a short video about a real-life version of this story that happened in Yellowstone National Park when they re-introduced the wolves. When we finished the video we went with a buddy to talk about our own story ideas so far.

After recess we did our Treasure Hunt Math. Today some people were ready to move on to box #4. In this part we have to produce a whole bunch of number patterns to show to a mean troll who is guarding a low drawbridge. For each pattern we complete the troll will give us one letter in the password. Once we know the password we can use it to raise the drawbridge and keep sailing.

This afternoon we finished up our sinking and floating tests that we started yesterday. We worked in our table groups to see which materials would sink, which would float, and which would float and then sink. We recorded our answers on a chart. This information will be very important when we start making our own boats after the spring break!

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. It will probably be a bit chilly in the morning so please dress appropriately. We will be working in the Whispering Woods and things might get a little muddy so please keep that in mind when you are getting ready!