After recess we had word work and then we continued our treasure math. Today we got to peek into treasure box #5 and #6. At #5 we have to use adding and subtracting to figure out the combination for the locked gate at the Lazy Lagoon. Once we figure out the combination we can sail on toward #6 where stormy seas knock over our cargo like dominoes. We have to get our cargo back in order in under 5 minutes to pass this level.

Then, Ms. Boyer gave us a challenge. She showed us a piece of plasticine and we had to decide whether it would float or sink based on our theories. Some of us thought it would float because it was fairly light and small. Some of us thought it would sink because it was solid and didn't have any air in it. We tested the plasticine together and found out that it sank. That's where the challenge came in. Ms. Boyer told us we had to figure out how to make it float! We each got our own piece of plasticine and tested different shapes to see what we could discover. In the end we figured out that a "pancake with walls", or a boat shape, or a cup shape worked. We decided this worked because it was full of air and the walls stopped water from getting inside. Some of us also tested out a few other designs such as a hollow ball but we couldn't seem to get those to float even though they met the criteria in our theory...
(p.s sorry Ms. Boyer keeps holding her phone the wrong way when she takes the videos!!)
Tomorrow is World Water Day! We are going to celebrate by trying to wear blue!