This morning after centers and guided reading we moved on to the beginning of our All About Me project. The first step is creating self-portraits. A self-portrait is a picture of your head and your shoulders that you make of yourself. The first step was to fold your paper so that you could center your head on the page. We had to work hard to try to make our head shape on the paper match our head shape in real life. Some of us have oval faces, some have round faces, some have pointy chins, some have round chins. Then we focused on drawing our eyes and ears. We learned that our eye are in the center of our head, not up at the top. Before we started our portraits Ms. Boyer also showed us a fun thing on the internet for making ourselves and that sort of helped get our brains warmed up for portraits. It is called Peanutize Me and turns you into a peanuts cartoon character! Here is our version of Cedar:
Cedar Goes Peanuts! |
Here is the link if you want to try it at home:
After recess the grade 1's worked on a review page for printing and the grade 2's started practicing their three sets of spelling words (days of the week, months, and number words to 20). The grade 2's used whiteboards to practice writing their words and then had a friend test them if they felt confident with one of the word sets. We will be practicing for the next two weeks and then Ms. Boyer will give us a little quiz on the words.
After that we started working on a 4 choice survey in math. We each needed to come up with a survey question where our survey participants would be given 4 choices. Several of us chose to ask about favourite hockey teams and asked questions like: Do you like the Flames, Oilers, Penguins, or Golden Knights? Tomorrow we will conduct our surveys.
This afternoon we finished up our colour wheels by adding in the tertiary colours. We needed to mix the paints to get these colours: red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, red-purple, and blue-purple. Here are a few examples of our colour wheels:
Please remember that tomorrow is Mustache Day! It is also library day tomorrow. We are bringing home our school photos today!
Parents: Our class is hosting Treat Day next Tuesday Nov. 28. Please see the email sent by our Room Parent for more details about this.
Tomorrow our helper is: Ashton