Monday, November 13, 2017

This morning we started with journals. After we finished our pictures Ms. Boyer showed us her journal entry and we had to decide what she had done well and what she needed to fix. We noticed that she did a good job with her finger spaces between her words, she didn't have any popcorn letters, and she remembered to make the word "I" an uppercase no matter where it was. But, we noticed that she forgot to put the periods in her writing and forgot to put capital letters at the beginning of her sentences. We helped Ms. Boyer fix these things in her journal and then we went to write our own entries.

After recess we did word work and printing. The grade 1's worked on the letter J (Josie was very excited, she has been waiting for a long time to finally get to J!). The grade 2's started practicing spelling number words correctly. So far the grade 2's have focused on spelling days of the week and months of the year correctly and now we are adding in numbers to 20. These spelling words would be a great thing to keep practicing at home!

Then it was time for math. Today we needed to decide on our question for the "Yes or No" surveys we are going to be conducting. We spent some time talking about how to make a Yes or No question and then we each went and wrote our own. After that we talked about tally marks. We learned that tally marks are a great way to record the results of your survey because they can help to keep your work organized and make it less likely that you will make a mistake when you are counting up your totals at the end. To make sure we are all comfortable with tally marks we did a little review practice to finish our math time. Tomorrow we will conduct our surveys and record our results using tally marks.

After lunch we finished up our Nose Hill posters. We will be putting these up on display for you to see when you come for parent-teacher conferences.  Then we had gym and our finish up/free choice time.

At the end of the day all the grade 1-2's met together to talk about guided reading. We will be starting guided reading tomorrow morning at 8:45. We will be finding out our groups tomorrow and we will begin our new centers routine that will happen along with guided reading. Please make sure you are on-time for school so you don't miss anything!

Our helper tomorrow is: Lawrence