Wednesday, November 29, 2017

After centers and guided reading we continued working on our important things categories for our All About Me project. Ms. Boyer also gave us a preview of the types of books we will be making. The books are made using paper bags and have pockets and flaps that make them really interesting.

After recess we didn't have printing and wordwork time. Instead, we got together with Room 1 and the Portable to practice our song for the festive evening.  Then we worked on our survey project. Today we had to make sure our survey was all set up. We needed to have our question and our explanation about why the survey would be important written down, and our survey chart set up. We will be conducting our surveys tomorrow.

This afternoon we painted our self portraits. We had to learn how to make skin colours using watercolour paints. We learned that we can make skin colours by using brown, beige, or pink and spreading it with water until it is the right shade.

Then it was time for gym. We played basketball-ish. It is the same as basketball except instead of shooting into the basketball nets we have a team member that stands in a hula hoop and we have to pass to them to get a point.

Tomorrow we are having our first Coffin Cares assembly. If you have a Dr. Coffin t-shirt please try to wear it. If you don't have one, please try to wear a green shirt.

Our helper tomorrow is: Dhvani