On Thursday we were excited to welcome the University of Calgary's Solar Car team! 4 members of the team came and spoke to us about their solar car. The shared some of the design process with us and told us about the races that they will attend. After we listened to their presentation we had a chance to ask some questions. Here are a few of the great questions we asked:
1. Can you drive the car at night?
2. Why are the wheels so skinny?
3. How fast can the car go?
Please ask me to tell you the answers to these questions!
Today we continued our animal research by learning ways that animals survive in the winter. We talked about hibernation, migration, and adapting. After we talked about these ideas we went with our research groups to see what our animals do to survive the winter. We will be adding this information to our animal clue games next week. Then we got ready to go outside to play camouflage! Before we went Ms. Boyer taught us a new rhyme about predator and prey animals. It is "Eyes in front, ready to hunt. Eyes on the side, ready to hide". We learned that predator animals will look for movement to help them hunt so their prey have to learn to freeze so that they don't get caught. We used this idea to help us with our game. It was really fun!
Dates to Remember
Tues. Feb 25 Treat Day
Wed. Feb. 26 Art Club
Wed. Feb. 26 Pink Shirt Day
Feb. 24-27 Alien In-Line Skating. *Volunteers needed to help! Please email Ms. Boyer **
In-Line schedule for Room 2:
Monday: No in-line for Room 2
Tuesday: 9:30-10:20 AND 1:00-1:50
Wednesday: 1:50-2:40
Thursday: 8:40-9:30