This week we are working to complete our family tradition writing. Most of us are finished and the rest of us are going to try to finish tomorrow. We are excited to put our work up on display for our friends to read!
In math we are working on our pattern centers. Before we started our center Ms. Boyer told us that soon we will be starting to study number patterns. She said that we will start having one number pattern challenge each day before our centers to get us thinking about number patterns. We started with some easy patterns like 2's, 5's, and 10's but then Ms. Boyer gave us a tricky one. Can you figure out this number pattern?
This afternoon we worked on our animal clue games. This week we have used books and videos to find information about our animals. We are getting ready to type up our clues and create our game posters!
After gym today we went on a winter walk. We started by walking with our big buddies and then we walked in the Whispering Woods. We found some neat animal tracks!
Dates to Remember:
Tomorrow - Fun Lunch
Tuesday Feb. 11 - School Council
Thursday Feb. 13 and Friday Feb. 14 - Teacher's Convention (No School)
Monday Feb. 17 - Family Day (No School)