After recess some of the grade 1's had WeeReads, but some of our buddies were sick today. After that we worked in our math groups. The grade 1's worked on a new domino game called "Even Steven and Odd Todd". It is a game where we practice our adding skills and review the idea of odd and even numbers. The grade 2's worked on understanding an easy way to add up 2 and 3-digit numbers that end in zero. For example, when you see 400+500, think 4+5 and then add on the 2 zeros. We are going to use this trick to help us with our two and three digit addition and subtraction skills.
This afternoon we had our last day of photography. We went outside and used our new skills to take some beautiful pictures of nature. We thought about taking pictures from different points of view, taking pictures up-close and far away, looking for patterns, colours, and shapes, and remembering to keep our pictures in focus!

Bricks4Kids will be here working with us tomorrow afternoon!
Tomorrow our helper is: Aanya
Our new sharing category is: Something very special (but that is still ok to bring to school).