Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29

Today we did a photo hunt. Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby took 12 zoomed in-pictures outside. We had to go outside with the photos and try to find the location of the photos. Then we had to place the pictures on the correct spots on a map of the schoolyard. Then we had to add the rest of the details to complete the map. This is part of our new study of our community that we will be working on for the next two months. We are going to become experts about our neighborhood and we are going to learn about Calgary's history.

Please remember that the Craft-A-Fair is happening at our school tomorrow. We hope you will be able to make it!  Our classroom is also still looking for donations for our Family Dance basket.  The theme for our basket is "The Lego Movie". 

Our helper on Monday: Levi