Today we went to Nosehill to look for crocuses. First we walked to Nosehill and stopped for a snack break. Once we finished our snacks we started looking for crocuses. When we found a crocus plant we really liked we stopped to sketch it. We were trying to get as much details in the leaves and petals as we could. The leaves were really fluffy and inside they had lines on them. The petals were pointy and purple. Some of them were skinny and some of them were fat. They were a bit fuzzy. It was interesting to see how some small crocuses were purple and the bigger ones were turning white. Some of the crocuses grew in groups and some grew alone.

Next, we did a crocus tally. We were trying to find out how many crocuses there were on that part of Nosehill. There were so many that we couldn't count them all but we tried our best to count as many as we could in that area. Here were a few results we had from tallying: 141, 71, 212, 405, 425. It was amazing to see so many crocuses. We were really happy to get up to Nosehill while they were in bloom!

Thank you so much to our parent volunteers who came with us!
Our helper on Monday is: Morgan