After that we did some cooking with the potatoes we harvested. We figured out that we harvested a total of 156 potatoes! Today Mrs. Hamby showed us how to make Crispy Potato Wedges. We used potatoes, olive oil, and seasoning salt. We each decorated our own recipe and will bring them home next week. The potatoes took about 40 minutes to cook so we ate them after recess.
Once we had finished our delicious potatoes (almost everyone had second helpings and some of us even had fourth helpings!), we did some math. We are working on training our brains to see patterns and to be able to organize things into groups. We talked about attributes and then went outside to gather a collection of interesting objects. We will be using this collection to do some sorting and patterning activities in math and we will finish off with an attributes art project.
This afternoon we had a special delivery! The mail carrier came over the lunch hour and dropped off a letter for us. We were very intrigued because it said "Air Mail" on it and showed that it had come all the way from Northern Ireland!! It turned out to be a letter from Jessica and Chelsea's grannie. She lives in Northern Ireland and reads our classroom blog to see what we are up to. She sent us a note to let us know how much she enjoys the blog. It was so exciting to get mail from so far away!

After our exciting surprise we worked on adding the watercolour paint to our portraits. Making skin colour sure is tricky but we are doing a really good job. Once our portraits are finished we will be ready to assemble our "Guess Who?" projects.
Please remember we are still collecting "Toonies for Terry". Please bring a Toonie for our donation if you can. There is a new notice coming home today in our green folders (some of us forgot our green folders so we will just have them in our backpacks).