After recess we realized that not everyone had enough items in their outdoor collection for us to start our math activity so we went back outside to collect some more. We are now ready to start the activity tomorrow.
This afternoon we started by baking some zucchini bread. We used oil, sugar, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, grated zucchini, and flour.
After baking we went to library. Ms. Boyer started by reading the story Miss Nelson is Missing. Then Mrs. Kidd talked to us about the rules in the library and how to use the browser cards. We all have library books in our backpacks today and they need to be returned next Wednesday.
In gym we continued training for the Terry Fox run. We ran 2 laps because there are 2 days left until the big run! Please remember we are still collecting Toonies for Terry. Then we played lava tag at the playground.
Parent reminder: If you have not already so, please send an inexpensive pair of headphones with your child so that they can play our education computer games and listen to stories during out centre time. If you can't seem to find any suitable headphones please let Ms. Boyer know and she will help to find a pair.