After recess we played a game called "Guess Who?" we found out some facts about Ms. Boyer and Mrs. Hamby. We found out that Ms. Boyer loves baking and pizza, she plays tennis, is going to university at the U of C, and went to Nova Scotia this summer. We found out that Mrs. Hamby's daughter got kissed by a grizzly bear, she loves cooking interesting food, and she used to play the piano and guitar.
This afternoon we made a birthday graph for our class. We will keep the birthday graph up in our classroom so that we will remember to celebrate everybody's birthday during the school year. We discovered that we have a lot of August birthdays in our class. We discovered that there aren't any March birthdays in Room 2. We discovered that Anjelika and Addison have the same birthday, Tessa and Ibrahim have the same birthday, and Abdul Ahad and Mrs. Smith have the same birthday!

Today we are bringing home our green communication folders. These folders have important notices in them and will be used to bring important papers back and forth to school all year. Please be sure to send the folder back to school each day in case there are forms to come home.