On the last day of school (Thursday, June 29) we are planning to have a morning picnic at Nosehill. We will encourage students to bring a special snack and we will have some fun activities planned. Families are welcome to join us if they wish. Please email Ms. Boyer if you are able to come as we will need a few parents to help us meet our student-teacher ratio.

We are looking for new homes for the goldfish that are currently living in our aquaponic garden. The goldfish don't need any fancy equipment, just a bowl and some food. If your family would like to adopt a few of our fish please let Ms. Boyer know! They won't be able to stay at the school over the summer and Ms. Boyer can't take them all. If you would like to adopt some fish please send a note with your child or email Ms. Boyer so that we can make arrangments to have the fish picked up or sent home.
Our helper tomorrow is: Jasper