Monday, June 26, 2017

Magnetism and Big Buddies

Today we worked on a final project using magnetism. We started the day by going on a magnet hunt to see what objects in our school are magnetic and what objects are not. We also watched a video and learned that magnetic objects have to contain nickel, iron, or cobalt. Around the school we noticed that the metal door frames and railings were magnetic, but wood tables and fabric curtains were not. We also noticed that some things that we thought would be magnetic, because they were made of metal, were not. These items must not contain nickel, iron, or cobalt.

After recess we did three different experiments to test magnet strength and to learn about magnetic poles. We learned that opposites attract and matching poles repel. After lunch we used our new magnet learning to design and invention that could be used to help students at school. Some of us designed inventions to keep students from losing their pencils, others designed inventions to help students stay seated at their desks, and others are creating fidget toys. Ask me about my invention. We will be building our inventions tomorrow morning!

At the end of the day we had Big Buddies. This was our chance to share our stories with an audience and practice reading them before bringing them home to share with our families. We practiced using good expression and reading with fluency so that we will be able to tell the story well at home. My story is in my backpack, please look for it at home tonight! After we finished sharing with our big buddies we went outside to play. We played with bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and at the playground with our big buddies.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating the July birthdays in our class and on Wednesday we will be celebrating the August birthdays. Please remember that we will be going up to Nose Hill on Thursday morning. Students are invited to bring a special snack with them and families are welcome to join us. 

Our helper tomorrow is: Isabel