Friday, September 29, 2017
Terry Fox Run
Today was the Terry Fox Run! We started by going to the gym for a warm up assembly. The grade 5-6's lead some warm up stretches. It was very tiring. Our class ran a total of 135 laps. That is 135km!! That is almost as far as running to Red Deer!
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Harvest Day!

Today we started our morning with some quiet centers and then we got ready to harvest the garden. We read a gardening story and then we talked about the three vegetables we would be harvesting: carrots, potatoes, and beets. We learned that carrots and beets are both root vegetables and potatoes are tubers. Ask me if I remember the difference between root vegetables and tubers.
To make our harvesting successful we divided into teams and each team was responsible for a difference job. We had the carrot team, the beet team, the potato team, the washing team, and the clean-up crew. Almost all of us wanted to be on the carrot team because we knew the carrot crop was going to be good, but some of us had to be easy-going and take different jobs to make our harvesting run smoothly. Once we were in our teams we headed outside and got to work. Each group worked hard to make sure their job was done and we are looking forward to baking and cooking with our vegetables starting next week!

After recess we worked on our last shape center. We will have two days at this last center and then we will have a few finish-up days to make sure all of our recording pages are finished. If we finish our recording pages early we will get to try some new geometry apps on the iPads.
This afternoon we got to meet our new Big Buddies! Our buddies are from Room 7 and in grades 5 and 6. Our big buddies took us on a practice lap of the big Terry Fox running course we will follow tomorrow. After that we read a story and had gym. In gym we played boundary ball.
After gym we went to music. Today it was Mr. O'Reilly's birthday! We surprised him by singing happy birthday for him when we arrived in music. We sang in french and in english and did "cha-cha-cha's" in both versions.
Please remember that tomorrow is the Terry Fox Run. Please wear your best running clothes that are appropriate for the weather and your best running shoes. It is also a good idea to bring a water bottle but please make sure it is clearly labelled with your name so that it doesn't get lost or mixed up. The Terry Fox warm-up assembly will take place at 10am and we will begin running at 10:30. Parents and families are welcome to come cheer us on or join us on the run. We will be running until about 11:30.
During the run tomorrow our students will each be given a sticker to wear for the run. This sticker will be used to tally their laps and is also a way for them to show their support for someone they may know who has been impacted by cancer. At home, please talk with your child about a name they might like to put on their sticker. If you or your child do not have a name in mind we will encourage them to run for Terry. We will help students write the name on their sticker tomorrow before the run.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Today we started with quiet centers and then Mr. O'Reilly came to visit us while Ms. Boyer had a meeting with Mrs. Polski. While he was here we read a story called "My Teacher is a Monster" and then we worked to finish the title on our Goldenrod botany page. If we finished our work early, we got to try making a paper airplane, just like in the story.
When Ms. Boyer came back we all met at the carpet with Mrs. Hamby's class and we looked at some different types of seed pods that Mrs. Hamby found when she was out for a walk. We looked at sunflowers, Chinese lanterns, pine cones, and vetch plants and noticed the different ways the seeds are protected by the plants. Ask me about these different plants and their seed pods.

After recess we skipped printing and book time because Mrs. Kidd brought us a really great new book from the library. It was called "The Bad Seed" and we wanted to read it right away! The story was about a seed who started out being bad but then ended up being good because its manners and its attitude.
After lunch we continued our work about being a great citizen. We read a story called "Tidy Up" about a badger who gets a little bit carried away cleaning up the woods. Then we started to brainstorm some ways that we can be good citizens here at school:
- Leave native plants to grow. Try not to pick them.
- Pick invasive plants (weeds).
- Clean up your own mess. Don't litter.
- Take care of our tools.
- Help others to clean up.
In music we got to play freeze dance and Mr. O'Reilly showed us his brand new guitar!
Dear parents, we are planning to harvest our garden on Thursday morning. If you would like to come join us we are always happy to have some extra adult hands to help with this job! We will plan to start getting ready first thing on Thursday morning and should be ready to head outside by 9:15ish.
When Ms. Boyer came back we all met at the carpet with Mrs. Hamby's class and we looked at some different types of seed pods that Mrs. Hamby found when she was out for a walk. We looked at sunflowers, Chinese lanterns, pine cones, and vetch plants and noticed the different ways the seeds are protected by the plants. Ask me about these different plants and their seed pods.

After recess we skipped printing and book time because Mrs. Kidd brought us a really great new book from the library. It was called "The Bad Seed" and we wanted to read it right away! The story was about a seed who started out being bad but then ended up being good because its manners and its attitude.
After lunch we continued our work about being a great citizen. We read a story called "Tidy Up" about a badger who gets a little bit carried away cleaning up the woods. Then we started to brainstorm some ways that we can be good citizens here at school:
- Leave native plants to grow. Try not to pick them.
- Pick invasive plants (weeds).
- Clean up your own mess. Don't litter.
- Take care of our tools.
- Help others to clean up.
In music we got to play freeze dance and Mr. O'Reilly showed us his brand new guitar!
Dear parents, we are planning to harvest our garden on Thursday morning. If you would like to come join us we are always happy to have some extra adult hands to help with this job! We will plan to start getting ready first thing on Thursday morning and should be ready to head outside by 9:15ish.
Monday, September 25, 2017
This week our blog team is: Katie, Senna, Jasper, Ingmar, Taylor, and Aiden.
This morning we started with journals. Today we focused on trying to put periods and capital letters in our writing. Some of us find it a bit tricky to decide exactly where the periods should go. We learned that the period belongs at the end of a complete idea and we practiced doing this with a journal entry that Ms. Boyer wrote about her weekend. We also made sure to start new sentences with a capital letter.
This morning we also read a fun story called Mother Bruce. It was a funny story of mistaken identity where a bear named Bruce gets mistaken for a mother goose.
In math we watched a shapes test video and tried to say the names of all the shapes faster than the video. Here it is in case you want to practice at home:
After the test we did our shapes centers.
This afternoon we started working on our last flag for our flags project. This flag is about being a good citizen that cares for our places. We used greens and yellows for these flags because those colours make sense for ideas that will be about caring for nature.
Today we had a visit from our Grade 6 friends who are helping to organize the Terry Fox Run. They reminded us that they Terry Fox Run is on Friday and they gave us a special piggy bank so that we can collect money for our Terry Fox Fundraiser. We are invited to bring in money all week to help fund cancer research.
This morning we started with journals. Today we focused on trying to put periods and capital letters in our writing. Some of us find it a bit tricky to decide exactly where the periods should go. We learned that the period belongs at the end of a complete idea and we practiced doing this with a journal entry that Ms. Boyer wrote about her weekend. We also made sure to start new sentences with a capital letter.
This morning we also read a fun story called Mother Bruce. It was a funny story of mistaken identity where a bear named Bruce gets mistaken for a mother goose.
In math we watched a shapes test video and tried to say the names of all the shapes faster than the video. Here it is in case you want to practice at home:
This afternoon we started working on our last flag for our flags project. This flag is about being a good citizen that cares for our places. We used greens and yellows for these flags because those colours make sense for ideas that will be about caring for nature.
Today we had a visit from our Grade 6 friends who are helping to organize the Terry Fox Run. They reminded us that they Terry Fox Run is on Friday and they gave us a special piggy bank so that we can collect money for our Terry Fox Fundraiser. We are invited to bring in money all week to help fund cancer research.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Today we started with our quiet centers and then we worked on painting our Goldenrod sketches. Mrs. Hamby showed us a new painting technique for the flowers. The technique was dabbing the brush to make tiny flower marks.
After recess the grade 1's did a printing review page and the grade 2's did book time. Then we did our math centers. Our group did the 3D shapes center. At this center we are making shapes and then we trying to name them and count their faces, edges, and vertices. Ask me to explain edges, faces, and vertices to you.
This afternoon we finished our Goldenrod painting and added our titles. Then we did our clean up jobs and went to gym. Today we played a new game called "Here Fishy Fishy"!
Then it was time for music. We read the book called the Man with the Violin.
Ms. Boyer is looking forward to seeing all our parents at conferences today and tomorrow. The book fair will be open Thursday evening and Friday morning for families who would like to buy some books.
After recess the grade 1's did a printing review page and the grade 2's did book time. Then we did our math centers. Our group did the 3D shapes center. At this center we are making shapes and then we trying to name them and count their faces, edges, and vertices. Ask me to explain edges, faces, and vertices to you.
This afternoon we finished our Goldenrod painting and added our titles. Then we did our clean up jobs and went to gym. Today we played a new game called "Here Fishy Fishy"!
Then it was time for music. We read the book called the Man with the Violin.
Ms. Boyer is looking forward to seeing all our parents at conferences today and tomorrow. The book fair will be open Thursday evening and Friday morning for families who would like to buy some books.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
See you at the BBQ!
This morning we had a chance to visit the Scholastic Book Fair to do some browsing. We each got to make a wishlist of books we would like to buy. We are bringing the list home to share with you. (Don't worry, Ms. Boyer told us you might say no and we would need to be easy going if that happened.)
After the book fair we went outside to sketch our second plant for our botany study. This plant was the Goldenrod. Goldenrod has tiny yellow flowers in clumps and the leaves are thin and pointy.
After lunch we finished our great students project. It is now on display in the hallway for our families to see tomorrow or Friday at parent conferences.
Today we had indoor gym.We started with a running warm up, then we played Duck, Duck, Goose. After that we played Little Chicks and we ended with Wax Museum.
After gym time we had some finish-up time and if we got all of our jobs done we earned some free choice time. The jobs that had to be done were: Rosehip facts, great student flags, and printing.
After the book fair we went outside to sketch our second plant for our botany study. This plant was the Goldenrod. Goldenrod has tiny yellow flowers in clumps and the leaves are thin and pointy.
After lunch we finished our great students project. It is now on display in the hallway for our families to see tomorrow or Friday at parent conferences.
Today we had indoor gym.We started with a running warm up, then we played Duck, Duck, Goose. After that we played Little Chicks and we ended with Wax Museum.
After gym time we had some finish-up time and if we got all of our jobs done we earned some free choice time. The jobs that had to be done were: Rosehip facts, great student flags, and printing.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
This morning we started with quiet centers and then we worked on our Rosehip facts. The grade 1's needed to try to get 3 facts and the grade 2's needed to try to get 5 facts. Tomorrow will be our last day to finish this job. Ask me if I was able to finish today and which facts I chose to write.
After recess the grade 1's did printing and the grade 2's did booktime. Today's letter was "W". Then we did our math centers. Before our centers we talked about the way shapes are named. We learned the difference between a prism and a pyramid. We learned that at all the sides connect to make one point (or vertex) in a pyramid and in a prism there are two flat bases instead. Today our blog group was working on the pattern blocks center.
After lunch, read a story and then we continued working on our great students project. Today's step was to trace our hands and cut them out. These will be used as our place to write our great student ideas.
In gym we continued training for the Terry Fox Run. Today we ran 3 laps. We are getting faster!
In music we played name games and did some dancing. Mr. O'Reilly played the drum for us.
After recess the grade 1's did printing and the grade 2's did booktime. Today's letter was "W". Then we did our math centers. Before our centers we talked about the way shapes are named. We learned the difference between a prism and a pyramid. We learned that at all the sides connect to make one point (or vertex) in a pyramid and in a prism there are two flat bases instead. Today our blog group was working on the pattern blocks center.
After lunch, read a story and then we continued working on our great students project. Today's step was to trace our hands and cut them out. These will be used as our place to write our great student ideas.
In gym we continued training for the Terry Fox Run. Today we ran 3 laps. We are getting faster!
In music we played name games and did some dancing. Mr. O'Reilly played the drum for us.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Week 3!
This week Liam, Ashton, Addison, Aksel, Lily E., and Abdul Ahad are the blog team.
This morning we started with our journals. The first step was to draw our pictures. Then we worked on the writing. Grade 1's tried to write 2 or 3 ideas. Grade 2's tried to write 4 or 5 ideas.
In math, we learned about a new step for our math centers. This week we will do the same centers as last week but now we will have a recording job to do at each center.
After lunch we worked on making our flags for our "Great Students" project. We are hoping to have this project finished in time to share with you at parent-teacher conferences!
In gym, we trained for the Terry Fox Run. We ran 3 laps of the field. **For the next few week please make sure you have good running shoes here for our training**
After gym we got to have free choice time if we had finished our work from this morning. Our iPads were getting fixed so we had to make some other choices. Some of us chose Lego, some of us chose drawing, and some of us played school with our friends.
Just a reminder to register for your parent teacher conference if you haven't already done so. Thanks!
This morning we started with our journals. The first step was to draw our pictures. Then we worked on the writing. Grade 1's tried to write 2 or 3 ideas. Grade 2's tried to write 4 or 5 ideas.
In math, we learned about a new step for our math centers. This week we will do the same centers as last week but now we will have a recording job to do at each center.
After lunch we worked on making our flags for our "Great Students" project. We are hoping to have this project finished in time to share with you at parent-teacher conferences!
In gym, we trained for the Terry Fox Run. We ran 3 laps of the field. **For the next few week please make sure you have good running shoes here for our training**
After gym we got to have free choice time if we had finished our work from this morning. Our iPads were getting fixed so we had to make some other choices. Some of us chose Lego, some of us chose drawing, and some of us played school with our friends.
Just a reminder to register for your parent teacher conference if you haven't already done so. Thanks!
Friday, September 15, 2017
Fresh Air Friday
Today we started with some center time. While we were doing centers Ms. Boyer helped each of us choose our yarn for the yarn art project we worked on today. To start this project, Ms. Boyer read a story called Hands that was all about different types of hand work that people do. While Ms. Boyer was reading Mrs. Hamby was busy beginning to get her twig ready for the yarn art project. After the story, Mrs. Hamby showed us how to wrap our yarn around the twigs we collected last week to create a frame for our weaving. When we were finished our weaving we had our snacks and a quick recess break.
After our break, we read another story and then we went outside to look for natural objects that we could weave into our yarn for the final piece of the yarn art project. Some of us found interesting grasses, some people found feathers, and lots of us found beautiful leaves. We brought our treasures inside and weaved them into our frames. They look amazing! We will be putting them all up on display for you to see next week at parent-teacher conferences but here is a sneak peek at a few:

After our break, we read another story and then we went outside to look for natural objects that we could weave into our yarn for the final piece of the yarn art project. Some of us found interesting grasses, some people found feathers, and lots of us found beautiful leaves. We brought our treasures inside and weaved them into our frames. They look amazing! We will be putting them all up on display for you to see next week at parent-teacher conferences but here is a sneak peek at a few:

Thursday, September 14, 2017
First day of research!
This morning we started with our centers. Here are some pictures of our table group working at the different center choices:

After centers we started learning some facts about Rosehips to add to our botany project. Did you know that...
- if you eat the seeds they can cause itchy bottom.
- they have a lot of vitamin C.
- you can make jelly, syrup, tea, and wine with the Rosehips.
- the rose petals taste like perfumed bubblegum.
After recess the grade 1's did printing and the grade 2's did solo booktime. Then we did our last math center for the week. Today our table group did pattern block pictures.
After lunch we read a story that Emmaline brought to school called Dojo Daycare. It was a perfect story to begin our conversation about being a great student. After the story we played a "finish my sentence" game. Our sentence to finish was "Great students..." After the game we got together and brainstormed a list of things that great students do. Here is our list:

We will be using this list for a special project starting on Monday.
Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. Please dress appropriately for the chilly weather we are expecting!

After centers we started learning some facts about Rosehips to add to our botany project. Did you know that...
- if you eat the seeds they can cause itchy bottom.
- they have a lot of vitamin C.
- you can make jelly, syrup, tea, and wine with the Rosehips.
- the rose petals taste like perfumed bubblegum.
After recess the grade 1's did printing and the grade 2's did solo booktime. Then we did our last math center for the week. Today our table group did pattern block pictures.
After lunch we read a story that Emmaline brought to school called Dojo Daycare. It was a perfect story to begin our conversation about being a great student. After the story we played a "finish my sentence" game. Our sentence to finish was "Great students..." After the game we got together and brainstormed a list of things that great students do. Here is our list:

We will be using this list for a special project starting on Monday.
Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday. Please dress appropriately for the chilly weather we are expecting!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Our first day of indoor gym!
Today we started with our centers. Our centers right now are: Doodle Art, Drawing Books, G. O. Frames, and Shared Puzzles. After that we used watercolour paints to add details to our Rosehip sketches from yesterday. We learned how to get just the right amount of paint and water on our brushes to make the watercolours work really well.
After recess the grade 1's did printing and the grade 2's did book time. Then, we did our math centers. We had a special guest after recess. Mr. O'Reilly came to join us while Ms. Boyer went to do a special job for Mrs. Polski.
This afternoon we finished our Friendship Banners by adding our ideas and ribbons to our flags. Then we went to gym. In gym we played Duck, Duck, Goose and we played Little Chicks.
After recess the grade 1's did printing and the grade 2's did book time. Then, we did our math centers. We had a special guest after recess. Mr. O'Reilly came to join us while Ms. Boyer went to do a special job for Mrs. Polski.
This afternoon we finished our Friendship Banners by adding our ideas and ribbons to our flags. Then we went to gym. In gym we played Duck, Duck, Goose and we played Little Chicks.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Our First Blog!
Welcome to the Room 2 blog. This week Leander, Reid, Lily M., Taylor, Joachim, Max, Cedar, and Emmaline will be in charge of the blog.
This morning we started with our new centers and then we began our first study of the year. We are learning to be botanists. Botanists are experts about plants. Today we went outside to take a close look at the Rosehips in the Whispering Woods and did a sketch of a wildrose plant that had rosehips on it.
In math we are working on shape centers. We (Leander, Reid, Lily M., Taylor, Joachim, Max, Cedar, and Emmaline) had a chance to explore the geoboards today. Tomorrow we will get to use the iPads!
Today we worked on our friendship flag project in the afternoon. Today we each wrote a friendship idea on a card that we will be adding to the friendship flags we have made.
Today was also our first day of music with Mr. O'Reilly. We sang some songs, and Mr. O'Reilly played his guitar.
Have a great evening! See you tomorrow!
p.s If you have not returned your forms, please do so ASAP
This morning we started with our new centers and then we began our first study of the year. We are learning to be botanists. Botanists are experts about plants. Today we went outside to take a close look at the Rosehips in the Whispering Woods and did a sketch of a wildrose plant that had rosehips on it.
In math we are working on shape centers. We (Leander, Reid, Lily M., Taylor, Joachim, Max, Cedar, and Emmaline) had a chance to explore the geoboards today. Tomorrow we will get to use the iPads!
Today we worked on our friendship flag project in the afternoon. Today we each wrote a friendship idea on a card that we will be adding to the friendship flags we have made.
Today was also our first day of music with Mr. O'Reilly. We sang some songs, and Mr. O'Reilly played his guitar.
Have a great evening! See you tomorrow!
p.s If you have not returned your forms, please do so ASAP
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Welcome Back!
Welcome back!
Once again Room 2 is shaping up to be a busy and exciting place again this year. Beginning next week (or maybe the week after, depending on how things go) our students will be helping me to update the blog each day to let you know what is happening in our classroom.
Miss Boyer
Once again Room 2 is shaping up to be a busy and exciting place again this year. Beginning next week (or maybe the week after, depending on how things go) our students will be helping me to update the blog each day to let you know what is happening in our classroom.
Miss Boyer
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